Use Prosecco to minify your javascript files within a GobbleJS workflow.
I assume you already know the basics of Gobble.
npm i -D gobble-prosecco
In your gobblefile
, run the prosecco
gobble transform, like so:
var gobble = require( 'gobble' );
module.exports = gobble( 'src' )
.transform( 'prosecco' );
By default, gobble-prosecco will minify only files with a .js
extension, and
output files with a .min.js
extension. Override this with the accept
and ext
var gobble = require( 'gobble' );
module.exports = gobble( 'src' )
.transform( 'prosecco', {
accept: ['.js', '.jsx', '.jsnext'],
ext: ['.small.js']
// Any other Prosecco options go here
} );
<> wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you
can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think
this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return.