Traffic Server doesn't work right off the box with Traffic Control. This provides a trafficserver build which incorporate astats_over_http.
This is to provide some help to build Traffic Server using docker.
- Clone this repository
git clone
Download the required Traffic Server version in the SOURCE directory
Update the SPEC files accordingly.
- Start the build container
CENTOS_VERSION=el6 TS_VERSION=6.2.2 docker-compose up trafficserver
CENTOS_VERSION=el7 TS_VERSION=7.1.1 docker-compose up trafficserver
CENTOS_VERSION=el8 TS_VERSION=8.1.2 docker-compose up trafficserver
The RPMS should be in the rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64
To create traffic server patches, the following was executed from
git diff 0b7b630858b4983d077a63074776abdfa48778f8 6.2.2-astats -- plugins/ > ../docker-trafficserver-build/rpmbuild/SOURCES/astats_over_http-1.3-6.2.x.patch
git diff 6f6a04aae105291c774d0c4116597fdc7b345121 7.1.1-astats -- plugins/ ../docker-trafficserver-build/rpmbuild/SOURCES/astats_over_http-1.3-7.1.x.patch
git diff c080cc1ec39e21b04ba28e76a6ad80927b71f798 8.1.x-astats -- plugins/ ../docker-trafficserver-build/rpmbuild/SOURCES/astats_over_http-1.5-8.1.x.patch
To create an archive of Traffic Server
Checkout the branch you want to make the archive from and run the following (change the versions to match):
git archive --prefix=trafficserver-7.1.7/ --format=tar -v HEAD | bzip2 -9 -c > ../docker-trafficserver-build/rpmbuild/SOURCES/trafficserver-7.1.7.tar.bz2
git rev-list HEAD --count
- Use to update the spec file