To build Elementary Gate using Hardware Descriptor Language (specific to Nand2Tetris) The implementation of fundamental Nand Gate is provided
To build Computational Gate or (Combinational Gates) Full-adder, half-adder, Incrementer and Arithmatic Logic Unit (16-bit ALU)
To build Sequential Gates, Counter, Register, RAM, ROM The implementation of D-Flip Flop is given
Designing Assembly Language for the Hack Platform
Build the Hack computer platform, which will be the top most layer of Hardware Architecture
To convert Assembly Language to hardware understandable sequence of bits (1 or 0)
Virtual Machine I, convert static arithmatic and memory access instruction in VM language to assembly language.
Virtual Machine II, conver flow control and function calls in VM language to assembly language.
Jack language syntax and symantics
Compiler I, to break the source file into tokens and produce an XML with code constructs.
Compiler II, from the tokens write the vm code for the source file