Releases: gofireflyio/validiac
V0.2.0 - Upgrade OSS (TfLint, InfraCost, TfSec) versions
TFLint - upgrade from 0.34.1 -> 0.38.1
AWS Provider - upgrade from 0.12.0 -> 0.14.0
GCP Provider - upgrade from 0.15.0 -> 0.18.0
Azure Provider - upgrade from 0.14.0 -> 0.17.0
InfraCost - upgrade from 0.9.19 -> 0.10.6
TfSec - upgrade from 1.5.0 -> 1.26.0
In addition, Infracost deprecated terraform-parse-hcl flag
Adding Firefly's Popup in Frontend
- Adding three libraries to the package.json
- Creating a new popup for Firefly
- Adding transition to the main page
Changing Dockerfile to run the binary itself
- Changing EntryPoint in Dockerfile to run the binary-file instead of opening a new shell.
- Adding documentation in the
v0.1.5-Bugfix: png generation fails in a Lambda environment
In an AWS Lambda container, no paths are writable except /tmp. When
generating PNGs via inframap/dot, the program attempted to write to
$XDG_CACHE_HOME, which was /validiac/bin/.cache, i.e. a non-writable
path. This commit fixes the issue by setting $XDG_CACHE_HOME to
/tmp/.cache instead.
In addition, core MS fonts are installed in the image so that Graphviz
can properly render text.
Also, the Lambda handlers will now encode output in base64 encoding when
the output is binary rather than textual. It should be noted that API
Gateway will only decode base64 responses for media types that were
defined in the API configuration's "Binary Media Type" list, and when
clients send appropriate Accept headers.
v0.1.4-Adding ability to generate png with inframap
The APIs for map generation via inframap are updated to support
generating png representations of the map using GraphViz's dot
For this purpose, graphviz is installed in the Docker image, and an
option struct is added to api.InfraMap()
The command line interface is slightly refactored to allow for
tool-specific options in order to support this new feature.
The ability to generate png is available both via the command line and
the REST API. The /map endpoint will accept a "png" boolean attribute in
the JSON body.
v0.1.3-Fixing Unhandled errors in TfLint
This hotfix catches unhandled errors while running tflint.
In case the HCL is invalid, an error is returned.
v0.1.3-alpha1 - Updating TfLint execution arguments
- Adding HCL parser to the go.mod
- Parsing HCL and running the command depends on the providers.
If AWS enabled (aws_some_resource) than we add flag --enable-plugin=aws
If Azure enabled (azure_some_resource) than we add flag --enable-plugin=azurerm
If Google enabled (google_some_resource) than we add flag --enable-plugin=google
v0.1.3-alpha1 - Fixing an arbitrary error while running tflnit from Lambda
Fixing an arbitrary error while running tflnit from Lambda.
[ERR] yamux: Failed to write header: write unix @->/tmp/pluginRANDOM: write: broken pipe
v0.1.2 - Supporting Azure, GCP in Validate (@tflint)
Exec path is now passed through environment variable (InfraCost, TfLint, TfSec, InfraMap)
Initializing TfLint while initializing the backend
Initializing TfLint in Docker (for lambda)
Reducing complexity from Makefile
v0.1.1 - ValidIaC stands with Ukraine
ValidIaC stands with Ukraine