Tetris game built for educational purposes
So yeah, this is just another Tetris, built for educational purposes. It's object oriented, built in pure C++ (pure C++11 xD) with SDL2 for presenting graphics, sounds and reading keys. I updated the sounds with sound effects generated by a cool program called Bfxr, you should give it a try, it's a nice synth. I also added some nice looking stars, so you can be distracted if you aren't already. There are some new features too, like hold current piece, the ghost piece etc. In case you want to play this game here are the controls:
A: Rotate clockwise
S: Rotate Counter clockwise
Space: Hard drop
Delete: Hold Piece
Arrows: Move piece
If you aren't annoyed enough by the preset keys, I also added the Meta Crystal theme by Nintendo (used in Smash Bros 64, Metal Mario fight). All these are copyrighted by Nintendo. You can of course report me and then Nintendo can sue me for the price of this game x 10000000, which is obviously zero since this game is free of charge.
As I said before there's a great chance you'll give up trying to build this, although I promise it builds, so everything in the code is correct, you can grab it and learn some stuff if you find them worthy of learning. In the slight of possibilities you want this built, you're going to need freetype262.dll (freetype262d.dll for debug), SDL2.dll, SDL2_mixer.dll, SDL2_ttf.dll, PressStart2P.ttf, and the music folder to be placed in the root of the executable. Failing to do so, will result in fatal errors or maybe nothing, because I'm lazy to do checks, deeply sorry. I think nuget will try to get all the needed packages to build, but VS won't copy some of these DLLs in the output folder (I think freetype262, SDL2_ttf, and SDL2_mixer) so you'll have to copy them yourself.
Thanks for reading and ofc... Have fuN!
Gogos Venge