- Kate Plugins
- Information
- Requirements
- Installation
- Plugins
- Autocomplete (python)
- insert IPDB (python)
- insert __init__ (python)
- insert super (python)
- insert call recursive (python)
- PEP8 (python)
- PyFlakes (python)
- Parse syntax (python)
- Check All (python/javascript)
- Template Django urls (django)
- Template import views (django)
- Create Django form (django)
- Create Django model (django)
- Close Template tag (django)
- Template block (django)
- Autocomplete static to javascript (javascript)
- Autocomplete static to jQuery (javascript)
- jQuery ready (javascript)
- Pretty JSON (javascript)
- JSLint (javascript)
- Pretty XML (xhtml)
- Future Plugins
- Other repositories of Plugins to Kate
These are Pate plugins for Kate editor. Plugins to make coding easier in Python, Django and JavaScript
This repository is unmaintained, because these plugins have been added to the official repository: Python utils, Javascript utils, Django utils and XML pretty. The generic functions and generic classes have been added to the libkatepate
- Install Kate from sources
- Install optional requirements:
# Kate plugins has been tested with these versions but is very probably that works with later versions pip install pysmell==0.7.3 pyplete==0.0.2 pep8==0.6.1 pyflakes==0.5.0 pyjslint==0.3.3 simplejson==2.6.1
- Install Kate-plugins:
pip install Kate-plugins ln -s /PATH/OF/THE/EGG/kate_plugins/ $(kde4-config --localprefix)/share/apps/kate/pate
cd ~/build git clone ln -s ~/build/Kate-plugins/kate_plugins/ $(kde4-config --localprefix)/share/apps/kate/pate
- Startup Kate and enable "Python Plugins" in: Settings > Configure Kate > Plugins
You should now see three additional menu items: "Python", "Javascript", and "XML". You can change the menu configuration of easy way change the settings
- Shortcut: It is automatical
- from and import instruction
- autocomplete into the code (beta) with pysmell
- There was a hook if you want to add your own packages python in the autocomplete structure. You should be create a file called "" next to the "" with a function "def path(session, doc, view)", like this:
def path(session, doc, view): if session == 'session1' return ['/PATH/OF/THE/EGG1/name1.egg', '/PATH/OF/THE/PACKAGE1/', ... '/PATH/OF/THE/EGGN/namen.egg'] elif session == 'session2': return ['/PATH/OF/THE/EGG2/name2.egg', '/PATH/OF/THE/PACKAGE2/', ... '/PATH/OF/THE/EGGN/namem.egg'] else: return ['/PATH/OF/THE/EGG2/name3.egg', '/PATH/OF/THE/PACKAGE3/', ... '/PATH/OF/THE/EGGN/namel.egg']
- Shortcut: Ctrl+I
- Insert the text "import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()"
- Shortcut: Ctrl+-
- Smart insert a function __init__
- Shortcut: Alt+-
- Smart insert a call to super of the function
- Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+-
- Smart insert a call to the current function recursively
- Shortcut: Alt+8
- Use PEP8 to look for ugly code, highlights lines with problems
- It uses pep8 so it must be present in the system
- Shortcut: Alt+7
- Use PyFlakes to look for bad code, highlights lines with problems
- It uses pyflakes so it must be present in the system
- Shortcut: Alt+6 or when you save the file
- Parse syntax this file and show a error list, or a dialog say "OK"
- Shortcut: Alt+5
- Check pep8, pyflakes, parse syntax and jslint
- Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+7
- Smart template of the file
- Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+V
- Insert the tipical imports in a view
- Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+F
- Template to form class
- Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+M
- Template to model class
- Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+C
- Close the last open templatetag (block, if, for, etc)
- Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+B
- Insert a struncture like this: {% block content %}XXX{% endblock %} or {% if x > 3 %} {% endif %}
- Shortcut: It is automatical
- Shortcut: It is automatical
- Shortcut: Ctrl+J
- Template jQuery ready
- Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+J
- Convert a horrible json in a pretty JSON :-)
- Shortcut: Alt+9
- Use JSLint to look for errors and bad code, highlights lines with problems
- It uses pyjslint so it must be present in the system (and working!)
- Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+X
- Convert a horrible xml in a pretty XML :-)
- Clean code (core)
- Improve autocompletes plugins (core)
- Template tags autocomplete (django)
- Integration with rope (python)