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provide (http-server) middlewares and (http-client) tripperwares


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gol4ng/httpware: middleware/tripperware

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Package httpware is a collection of middleware (net/http.Handler wrapper) and tripperware (net/http.RoundTripper wrapper)

  • CorrelationId gets or creates a correlation_id and adds it to the http.request Context and in the http.response header (in order to propagate this ID throught all microservices)
  • Metrics will use a given Recorder to collect inflight request(current parrallel request count), request duration and response size.
Name Middleware Tripperware
Authentication X
AuthenticationForwarder X
CorrelationId X X
Metrics X X
Interceptor X X
Skip X X
Enable X X
RateLimiter X X


go get -u

Quick Start

Client side

package main

import (

func main(){
    // create http client with correlationId activated
    client := &http.Client{
        Transport: tripperware.CorrelationId(),
    _, _ = client.Get("")
    // request will have Header "Correlation-Id: <randomID(10)>"

Server side

package main

import (

func main(){
    port:= ":8001"
    srv := http.NewServeMux()
    srv.HandleFunc("/", func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
        // Correlation-Id come directly from the client or was generated by the middleware
    go func() {
        if err := http.ListenAndServe(port, middleware.CorrelationId()(srv)); err != nil {


A middleware is an http.Handler decorator, its role is to wrap arround http.Handler or another middleware

A middleware stack is a collection of middleware ([]Middleware) that acts has a single Middleware (Append/Prepend).

A stack allows you to DecorateHandler and DecorateHandlerFunc


A tripperware is an http.RoundTripper decorator, its role is to wrap arround http.RoundTripper or another tripperware

A tripperware stack is a collection of tripperware ([]Tripperware) that acts has a single Tripperware (RoundTrip/DecorateClient/Append/Prepend).

A stack allows you to DecorateRoundTripper and DecorateRoundTripFunc.

Decorate existing client

You can decorate an existing http.Client

client := &http.Client{}
// when you decorate client you can set second arg to true if you want a copy
tripperware.CorrelationId().DecorateClient(client, false)
_, _ = client.Get("")
// request will have Header "Correlation-Id: <randomID(10)>"

Act has http.RoundTripper

A tripperware can be use has an http.RoundTripper

tripperware.CorrelationId() == tripperware.CorrelationId()(http.DefaultTransport)

client := &http.Client{
_, _ = client.Get("")
// request will have Header "Correlation-Id: <randomID(10)>"

Become a tripperware stack

The Append and Prepend functions will convert a tripperware into a []Tripperware

roundTripper := tripperware.CorrelationId()
stack := roundTripper.Prepend(func(t http.RoundTripper) http.RoundTripper {
    return httpware.RoundTripFunc(func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
        fmt.Println("http request headers :", req.Header)
        return t.RoundTrip(req)

client := &http.Client{

_, _ = client.Get("")
// request will have Header "Correlation-Id: <randomID(10)>"

Stack computation

The stack is gonna be computed when you decorate the final round tripper.

m1, m2, m3 are middlewares

[m1, m2, m3].DecorateHandler(<yourHandler>) == m1( m2( m3( <yourHandler> ) ) )

t1 t2 t3 are tripperwares

[t1, t2, t3].DecorateRoundTripper(<yourTripper>) == t1( t2( t3( <yourTripper> ) ) )

	tripperware := func(before, after string) httpware.Tripperware {
		return func(t http.RoundTripper) http.RoundTripper {
			return httpware.RoundTripFunc(func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
				defer fmt.Println(after) // will print string AFTER child round trip executed
				fmt.Println(before) // will print string BEFORE child round trip executed
				return t.RoundTrip(req)

	stack := httpware.TripperwareStack(
		tripperware("A before", "A after"),
		tripperware("B before", "B after"),
		tripperware("C before", "C after"),
		tripperware("D before", "D after"),
	// A( B( C( D( http.DefaultTransport ) ) ) )

	client := &http.Client{
		Transport: stack,
	_, _ = client.Get("http://localhost/")
	//A before
	//B before
	//C before
	//D before
	//D after
	//C after
	//B after
	//A after

Enable/skip middleware or tripperware

Some times you need to have a dynamic middleware|tripperware stack

For example you need to have a middleware activated on debug mode If Enable false, the middleware will not be added to the middleware stack

    debug := true
    stack := httpware.MiddlewareStack(
        middleware.Enable(debug, middleware.CorrelationId()),

You can dynamically skip a middleware with your own rule.
If the callback return true it will skip the execution of targeted middleware

    stack := httpware.MiddlewareStack(
        tripperware.Skip(func(request *http.Request) bool {
            return request.URL.Path == "/home"
        }, middleware.CorrelationId()),

AppendIf PrependIf

For more convinience to build more complex middleware/tripperware stack you can use the AppendIf/PrependIf on Middleware and Middlewares

    debug := true
    stack := httpware.TripperwareStack(
    stack.AppendIf(debug, myOtherTripperware())
    stack.PrependIf(debug, myOtherTripperware2())
    debug := true
    myTripper := myTripperware(),
    stack := myTripper.AppendIf(debug, myOtherTripperware())
    stack.PrependIf(debug, myOtherTripperware2())