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Releases: golang/tools


23 Feb 19:19
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This release mostly included bug fixes and changes that are not user facing. A full list of all issues fixed can be found in the gopls/v0.6.6 milestone. To report a new problem, please file a new issue at

Thank you to our contributors!

@findleyr @heschik @pjweinb @muirdm @zchee @110y


03 Feb 20:49
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Show available upgrades for dependencies

gopls/v0.6.0 removed support for the code lenses that showed available upgrades for dependencies. This behavior has now been reintroduced, with an improved UI. Users must explicitly request this information by clicking the "Check for upgrades" code lens above the go.mod file's require block. Any module with available upgrades will be highlighted with an informational diagnostic and accepting its suggested fix will preform the upgrade.

Screen Shot 2021-02-02 at 4 40 33 PM

A full list of all issues fixed can be found in the gopls/v0.6.5 milestone. To report a new problem, please file a new issue at

Thank you to our contributors!

@findleyr @heschik @pjweinb @leitzler


19 Jan 23:23
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14 Jan 19:35
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This release has a number of bug fixes and documentation improvements.

A full list of all issues fixed can be found in the gopls/v0.6.3 milestone. To report a new problem, please file a new issue at

Thank you to our contributors!

@findleyr @heschik @mvdan @leitzler @bcmills @hyangah @rsc


06 Jan 21:02
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Shadow analyzer

This off-by-default analyzer flags shadowed variables. Learn more in the Analyzers documentation.


New keys for the GC details "annotations" setting

The previous keys were prefixed with "no" and meant to disable certain GC details checks, which was inconsistent with the style of our other settings maps. A warning will appear suggesting a change to the new key name, but the old settings will continue to work. Full details can be found in the annotations documentation.


Improved documentation for available analyzers.
Improved documentation for Vim.


Editing the go.mod file by hand (golang/go#42529)

This issue was previously marked as resolved, but it had not actually been fixed. Package metadata will now only be invalidated when a go.mod file is saved, so you will need to save before expecting your changes to be propagated. This should significantly reduce the number of go list calls (and therefore CPU utilization) as you edit the go.mod file.

A full list of all issues fixed can be found in the gopls/v0.6.2 milestone. To report a new problem, please file a new issue at

Thank you to our contributors!

@findleyr @leitzler @cuonglm @pjweinb @ainar-g @msAlcantara @ericchiang


17 Dec 17:26
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This is a patch release to fix golang/go#43234. The titles of some suggested fixes were blank, leading to a bad user experience.


16 Dec 16:49
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Default to -mod=readonly

In Go 1.16, the Go command will no longer modify user's go.mod and go.sum files automatically ( In order to match this behavior, gopls now also uses -mod=readonly when running the go command. Any errors reported by the go command will be presented with a suggested fix to make the necessary fixes to your go.mod or go.sum files. As a consequence, your workspace may be in a partially broken state while you have errors in your go.mod or go.sum file. golang/go#42266 will mitigate this, but it will likely not be resolved until February.

Not recommended: If you must opt out of this behavior, you can set the allowModfileModifications configuration to true.

Default to GOPROXY=off

gopls no longer accesses the network implicitly. This should improve latency in all cases, but it also means that gopls will no longer automatically download modules that are not found in your local module cache. The one exception is that gopls will still download dependencies on start-up, so it will continue to work as expected if you have cloned a repository for the first time. If gopls detects a missing module, it will offer you a suggested fix that downloads it.

Not recommended: If you must opt out of this behavior, you can set the allowImplicitNetworkaccess configuration to true.

Inclusion/exclusion filters for directories

gopls now supports excluding certain directories in your workspace from analysis. This may be useful if you are only working on a subset of a large repository. Note that these filters are not propagated to the go command, so gopls will still load metadata for these directories, which may be expensive. Configure the included/excluded directories through the directoryFilters setting.

Debouncing for diagnostics

Diagnostics are now reported instantly only for the packages currently being edited. Diagnostics for other packages in the workspace will now only be computed after 250 milliseconds, meaning that, if you are actively typing, gopls will not start these more costly operations. This should significantly reduce CPU utilization. This debounce delay can be optionally configured via the experimentalDiagnosticsDelay setting.

"Upgrade direct dependencies" code lens

In gopls/v0.5.4, we removed the per-require "Upgrade dependency" code lens, as it was very high latency, and its UX did not meet user needs. Some users have expressed disappointment about this, so, to bridge the gap, we have separated the existing "Upgrade all dependencies" code lens into two: "Upgrade transitive dependencies" and "Upgrade direct dependencies". The first is the equivalent of running go get -u all, while the second go gets each of your module's requires independently. We are continuing to work on improving these features and will likely bring back the "Upgrade dependency" code lens as a suggested fix (learn more: golang/go#38339).

Support for filling a partially-populated struct

The "Fill struct" suggested fix will now be suggested for structs that have some, but not all, fields set.


Field alignment analyzer

A new analyzer has been added to suggest reordering fields in a struct in order to achieve the optimal alignment in memory. It is still off by default, but can be enabled by adding the following to your gopls settings:

"analyses": {		
	"fieldalignment": true


Improvements to diagnostics tracking

Diagnostic messages were not being updated correctly when the GC details code lens was toggled on. New handling to differentiate diagnostics by sources should have resolved this issue.

File watching for directories

gopls now correctly handles the deletion of a directory.


"codelens" setting name changed to "codelenses"

This misspelling has now been corrected, so please update your configurations appropriately.

Disabled support for symlinks

gopls has historically had insufficient and untested support for symlinks. We have not yet decided how to move forward with symlinks, so in the interim, we have completely disabled support for symlinks. See golang/go#42833 for more details, and please weigh in if you have opinions or suggestions.

A full list of all issues fixed can be found in the gopls/v0.6.0 milestone. To report a new problem, please file a new issue at

Thank you to our contributors!

@findleyr @heschik @pjweinb @leitzler @jadekler @muirdm @singalhimanshu @imsodin @mengzhuo


04 Dec 19:46
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This is a patch release to fix two bugs in gopls/v0.5.4.


Excessive reloading of packages outside of GOPATH or a module

See golang/go#42813.

File corruption with CRLF line endings and //-style comments

golang/go#42646 was supposed to have been fixed in gopls/v0.5.4, but it was not. golang/go#42923 was reported and fixed.

A full list of all issues fixed can be found in the gopls/v0.5.5 milestone. To report a new problem, please file a new issue at


30 Nov 19:00
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Opening a project that contains a module in a subdirectory

Previously, gopls required that you open your editor exactly at or below the module root (the directory containing the go.mod). Now, you can open a directory that contains exactly one module in a subdirectory, and gopls will work as expected. For details on multi-module workspaces, see below.

Removal of the granular go.mod upgrade codelenses

Previously, we offered a code lens to suggest upgrades for each require in a go.mod file. In anticipation of changes that limit the amount that gopls accesses the network, we have decided to remove and reevaluate this feature. Users had mentioned that the code lenses cluttered their go.mod files, especially if they didn't actually want to upgrade. golang/go#38339 tracks the work to revamp this feature. An "Upgrade all dependencies" code lens should still appear at the top of your go.mod file.

Improved error message reports

Previously, critical error messages were reported as message pop-up that would re-trigger as you type. Many users would find this annoying. We have changed the approach to show error messages as progress reports, which should be less intrusive and appear more like status bars.

Improved memory usage for workspaces with multiple folders

We are now using a coarser cache key for package type information. If you use the gopls daemon, this may reduce your total memory usage.


Multi-module workspace support

The proposal described in golang/go#32394 is still in development and off by default. See our progress by tracking the multi-module workspace milestone and project.

Enable multi-module workspace support by adding the following to your settings:

"gopls": {
    "experimentalWorkspaceModule": true,

With this setting, you will be able to open a directory that contains multiple modules or a directory that contains nested modules.

Give this a try if you're interested in this new feature, but please note that it is still very experimental. Please file issues if you encounter bugs.


File corruption with CRLF line endings and /**/-style comments

Previously, when you organized the imports in a file with CRLF line endings and multi-line comments, the formatter might output incorrect content for the file, rendering it invalid Go code. This issue has popped up a number of times, but we believe it has finally been fixed for good. If you are using Windows with CRLF line ending, please report any regressions. For full details, see golang/go#42646.

A full list of all issues fixed can be found in the gopls/v0.5.4 milestone. To report a new problem, please file a new issue at

Thank you to our contributors!

@findleyr @heschik @pjweinb @leitzler @yangwenmai @matloob @golopot @muirdm


12 Nov 21:26
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Automatic updates to go.sum

Previously, go.mod-related quick fixes would not make corresponding changes to your go.sum file. Now, when you add or remove dependencies from your module, your go.sum will be updated accordingly.

Removed support for go mod tidy on save

We have removed the support for running go mod tidy on save for go.mod files. It proved to be too slow and expensive to be worth it.


Multi-module workspace support

The proposal described in golang/go#32394 is still in development and off by default. See our progress by tracking the multi-module workspace milestone and project.

Enable multi-module workspace support by adding the following to your settings:

"gopls": {
    "experimentalWorkspaceModule": true,

With this setting, you will be able to open a directory that contains multiple modules. Most features will work across modules, but some, such as goimports, will not work as expected.

Give this a try if you're interested in this new feature, but please note that it is still very experimental.


A list of all issues fixed can be found in the gopls/v0.5.3 milestone.

Thank you to our contributors!

@heschik @findleyr @pjweinb