This is a group for people interested in the Go programming language in Estonia. All aspiring, current and past Gophers are welcome.
Please maintain the list in a descending order based on the date the meetup has been held.
- 2022-07-25 Palo Alto Club
- 2022-06-21 Remote
- 2022-05-23 Remote
- 2022-03-23 Remote
- 2020-10-28 at the University of Tartu Delta Center
- 2020-06-29 Remote
- 2020-02-05 at Mooncascade
- 2019-11-22 at Starship
Please send us a PR if we are missing some presentation or if some details are not correct.
Hope to see you next time.
/join #estonia
- Build a community
- Give professional content
- talks, workshops, lightning talks
- introduce, share ideas, experiences, spark interest
- Direct interaction with an expert
- Improve the public image of Go
- A viable option for companies
- Foster professional development
- promote giving a talk, a workshop, a lightning talk
- Jobs
- Ease Go recruiting and Go job seeking