This package is just a boilerplate for doing integration testing in Golang. We already separate a few code that may same when doing integration testing in every test-case.
You can file an Issue. See documentation in Godoc
- A live DB on your project, you could use docker to spawn a live DB/services
. A testing package, really usefull. And all of this package use this package. Make sure understand how to use it, before using our boilerplate test-suite.- DB drivers, depend on what driver you use.
services | driver and libraries | testada-package |
Mysql |
| |
Redis | | |
Complete file can be seen in: example-testada-mysql
import (
// ... other imports
type mysqlCategorySuiteTest struct {
func TestCategorySuite(t *testing.T) {
if testing.Short() {
t.Skip("Skip category mysql repository test")
dsn := os.Getenv("MYSQL_TEST_URL")
if dsn == "" {
dsn = "root:root-pass@tcp(localhost:33060)/testing?parseTime=1&loc=Asia%2FJakarta&charset=utf8mb4&collation=utf8mb4_unicode_ci"
categorySuite := &mysqlCategorySuiteTest{
DSN: dsn,
MigrationLocationFolder: "migrations",
suite.Run(t, categorySuite)
func (s *mysqlCategorySuiteTest) SetupTest() {
log.Println("Starting a Test. Migrating the Database")
err, _ := s.Migration.Up()
require.NoError(s.T(), err)
log.Println("Database Migrated Successfully")
func (s *mysqlCategorySuiteTest) TearDownTest() {
log.Println("Finishing Test. Dropping The Database")
err, _ := s.Migration.Down()
require.NoError(s.T(), err)
log.Println("Database Dropped Successfully")
func (m *mysqlCategorySuiteTest) TestStore() {
// Your test code will be placed here
// This function will do the integration-test for Store function.
// Your Store function will test directly with a real DB by this TestFunction
func (m *mysqlCategorySuiteTest) TestOtherFunction() {
// Your test code will be placed here
// This function will do the integration-test for your defined function as you want.
// Your Store function will test directly with a real DB by this TestFunction
// ... Add more test according to your cases
This example use this driver:
Complete file can be seen in: example-testada-redis
// ... other imports
goRedisSuite ""
type redisHandlerSuite struct {
func TestRedisSuite(t *testing.T) {
if testing.Short() {
t.Skip("Skip test for redis repository")
redisHostTest := os.Getenv("REDIS_TEST_URL")
if redisHostTest == "" {
redisHostTest = "localhost:6379"
redisHandlerSuiteTest := &redisHandlerSuite{
Host: redisHostTest,
suite.Run(t, redisHandlerSuiteTest)
func getItemByKey(client *redis.Client, key string) ([]byte, error) {
return client.Get(key).Bytes()
func seedItem(client *redis.Client, key string, value interface{}) error {
jybt, err := json.Marshal(value)
if err != nil {
return err
return client.Set(key, jybt, time.Second*30).Err()
func (r *redisHandlerSuite) TestSet() {
// Your test code will be placed here
// This function will do the integration-test for your defined function as you want.
// Your Store function will test directly with a real DB by this TestFunction
func (r *redisHandlerSuite) TestGet() {
// Your test code will be placed here
// This function will do the integration-test for your defined function as you want.
// Your Store function will test directly with a real DB by this TestFunction
// ... Add more test according to your cases
We accept any contributions including PR, or just an issue.