(If app at above link doesn't work then use this project by downloading and running it on your local PC)
- We have collected all the publicly available labelled(glaucoma or normal) fundus images of eye from web.
- Some are already cropped and some are full. So, we cropped the full fundus images too.
- We bulk renamed all the images in the two classes using
- Then we bulk converted all the images to jpg using
- Number of images in both classes are not equal. They are highly imbalanced. Then we balanced by removing extra images.
- Finally, we sticked with 1,115 images of each class totalling 2,230 (Contact me if you want this data). And we divided them randomly into train, val and test sets in the ratio 8:1:1 using
- We uploaded all these images to my google drive and trained on various CNN architectures from simple to advanced.
- We did augmentation of data using keras ImageGenerator to cut down high variance. But there is some bias due to low and bad data.
- We used keras (2.4.3) and tesorflow (2.3.0) on top of python (3.6.9). (You can see the code in
- We trained on train set and validated on validation set after each epoch. Finally tested the test set.
- It gave 93 percent AUC score, some good accuracy, precision and recall values. We saved the model file(h5) for further usage.
- Then we built a simple streamlit app for hosting on web.
Always remember that tensorflow does not support python 3.8. It supports upto version 3.7 only.
To use our project - go to this link
To run this app
pip install -r requirements.txt
streamlit run
To run our glaucoma detector on your machine by cloning this repository,
- Type the following in your terminal or cmd:
pip install -r requirements.txt
streamlit run
The web app opens up in a local host. Then you can use it for classifying. That's it!
Upload a (jpg) cropped fundus image of eye(if not cropped, see note). Our model predicts whether affected by glaucoma or not.
I provided two folders Glaucomatous and Healthy. These contain images from my test set. Use these if you don't have any fundus images with you.
Note: The image should be cropped around the optic nerve part.(see the below full to cropped image for reference)