Simulations of subunit model of a retinal ganglion cell in response to Mexican-hat-like bar stimuli and reconstruction of subunit layout via inverse Radon transform. can be run to perform a simulation of a subunit model under stimulation with bars (with sidebands) at different positions and different angles. This yields a sinogram and, subsequently, a reconstruction via filtered backprojection.
Running the file creates a subfolder "Mexican Tomography" with a bunch of plots, showing the layout of subunits, the simulated receptive field, an example of the spatial stimulus layout (for one position and one angle), sinograms computed without spiking stochasticity (= infinite data), computed from simulated spike counts (Poisson statistics), and the latter filtered (smoothed) across positions. And then FBP reconstructions from all three cases. contains the code for the model simulations that are called from A variety of options are supplied to use specific layouts of subunits, subunit shapes, subunit nonlinearities etc.