Package scs (String Case Style) provides robust string case conversion utilities for Go applications. It supports conversion between camelCase, kebab-case, PascalCase, and snake_case formats.
- Convert between four common case styles:
- camelCase
- kebab-case
- PascalCase
- snake_case
- Two usage approaches:
- Direct conversion functions
- Object-oriented style with chainable methods
- Proper handling of:
- Abbreviations (e.g., HTTP, API)
- Numbers
- Special characters
- Thread-safe functions
- Comprehensive error handling
- Zero dependencies
go get -u
To use this module import it as:
package main
import (
func main() {
// Direct conversion.
kebab := scs.StrToKebab("HelloWorld") // hello-world
camel := scs.StrToCamel("hello-world") // helloWorld
// Object-oriented approach.
style, _ := scs.New(scs.Snake, "HelloWorld")
fmt.Println(style.Value()) // hello_world
// Chain conversions.
fmt.Println(style.Value()) // hello-world
package main
import ""
func main() {
var s string
// Simple text
s = "hello world"
scs.StrToCamel(s) // helloWorld
scs.StrToPascal(s) // HelloWorld
scs.StrToSnake(s) // hello_world
scs.StrToKebab(s) // hello-world
// Text with abbreviations
s = "http to https"
scs.StrToCamel(s) // httpToHTTPS
scs.StrToPascal(s) // HTTPToHTTPS
scs.StrToSnake(s) // http_to_https
scs.StrToKebab(s) // http-to-https
// Converting
s = "http to https"
camel := scs.StrToCamel(s) // httpToHTTPS
pascal, _ := scs.CamelToPascal(camel) // HTTPToHTTPS <nil>
kebab, _ := scs.PascalToKebab(pascal) // http-to-https <nil>
snake, _ := scs.KebabToSnake(kebab) // http_to_https <nil>
// Use strings.ToUpper(snake) for convert to UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
scs.SnakeToPascal(snake) // HTTPToHTTPS <nil>
scs.CamelToKebab(camel) // http-to-https <nil>
// Errors
scs.CamelToSnake(kebab) // value http-to-https isn't camelCase style
scs.PascalToCamel(camel) // value httpToHTTPS isn't PascalCase style
// Convert anything to anything correctly
scs.ToCamel(snake) // httpToHTTPS
scs.ToPascal(kebab) // HTTPToHTTPS
scs.ToSnake(s) // http_to_https
A safer way. Since each object knows what type it is and knows which conversion rules to use. This removes the need to return a second parameter as err when converting styles.
package main
import ""
func main() {
var s string
// Simple text
s = "hello world"
snake, _ := scs.New(scs.Snake) // scs.New(scs.Snake, s)
snake.Eat(s) // hello_world
snake.Set(s).Value() // hello_world
snake.IsCamel() // false
snake.IsSnake() // true
snake.Value() // hello_world
camel := snake.CopyToCamel()
camel.IsSnake() // false
camel.IsCamel() // true
camel.Value() // helloWorld
// Text with abbreviations
s = "http to https"
pascal, _ := scs.New(scs.Pascal, s)
pascal.Value() // HTTPToHTTPS
kebab := pascal.CopyToKebab()
kebab.Value() // http-to-https
CamelToKebab(camel string) (string, error)
CamelToKebab converts a camelCase-style string to kebab-case. The conversion will be invalid if the input string is not camelCase style.
CamelToPascal(camel string) (string, error)
CamelToPascal converts a camelCase-style string to PascalCase. The conversion will be invalid if the input string is not camelCase style.
CamelToSnake(camel string) (string, error)
CamelToSnake converts a camelCase-style string to snake_case. The conversion will be invalid if the input string is not camelCase style.
KebabToCamel(kebab string) (string, error)
KebabToCamel converts a kebab-case-style string to camelCase. The conversion will be invalid if the input string is not kebab-case style.
KebabToPascal(kebab string) (string, error)
KebabToPascal converts a kebab-case-style string to PascalCase. The conversion will be invalid if the input string is not kebab-case style.
KebabToSnake(kebab string) (string, error)
KebabToSnake converts a kebab-case-style string to snake_case. The conversion will be invalid if the input string is not kebab-case style.
PascalToCamel(pascal string) (string, error)
PascalToCamel converts a PascalCase-style string to camelCase. The conversion will be invalid if the input string is not PascalCase style.
PascalToKebab(pascal string) (string, error)
PascalToKebab converts a PascalCase-style string to kebab-case. The conversion will be invalid if the input string is not PascalCase style.
PascalToSnake(pascal string) (string, error)
PascalToSnake converts a PascalCase-style string to snake_case. The conversion will be invalid if the input string is not PascalCase style.
SnakeToCamel(snake string) (string, error)
SnakeToCamel converts a snake_case-style string to camelCase. The conversion will be invalid if the input string is not snake_case style.
SnakeToKebab(snake string) (string, error)
SnakeToKebab converts a snake_case-style string to kebab-case. The conversion will be invalid if the input string is not snake_case style.
SnakeToPascal(snake string) (string, error)
SnakeToPascal converts a snake_case-style string to PascalCase. The conversion will be invalid if the input string is not snake_case style.
StrIsCamel(s string) bool
StrIsCamel returns true if string is camelCase.
StrIsKebab(s string) bool
StrIsKebab returns true if string is kebab-case.
StrIsPascal(s string) bool
StrIsPascal returns true if string is PascalCase.
StrIsSnake(s string) bool
StrIsSnake returns true if string is snake_case.
StrToCamel(s string) string
StrToCamel converts a string to camelCase.
StrToKebab(s string) string
StrToKebab converts a string to kebab-case.
StrToPascal(s string) string
StrToPascal converts a string to PascalCase.
StrToSnake(s string) string
StrToSnake converts a string to snake_case.
ToCamel(s string) string
ToCamel converts a string to camelCase. Unlike the StrToCamel function, if the source string already has a certain format, it will be correctly converted to camelCase.
ToKebab(s string) string
ToKebab converts a string to kebab-case. Unlike the StrToKebab function, if the source string already has a certain format, it will be correctly converted to kebab-case.
ToPascal(s string) string
ToPascal converts a string to PascalCase. Unlike the StrToPascal function, if the source string already has a certain format, it will be correctly converted to PascalCase.
ToSnake(s string) string
ToSnake converts a string to snake_case. Unlike the StrToSnake function, if the source string already has a certain format, it will be correctly converted to snake_case.
Version() string
Version returns the version of the module.
New(style CaseStyle, value ...string) (*StringCaseStyle, error)
New returns a pointer to a string case style object. The style defines the string case style. a string (or list of strings) to format.
CopyToCamel() (*StringCaseStyle, error)
CopyToCamel converts an object to Camel Type StringCaseStyle and returns new pointer to it.
CopyToKebab() (*StringCaseStyle, error)
CopyToKebab converts an object to Kebab Type StringCaseStyle and returns new pointer to it.
CopyToPascal() (*StringCaseStyle, error)
CopyToPascal converts an object to Pascal Type StringCaseStyle and returns new pointer to it.
CopyToSnake() (*StringCaseStyle, error)
CopyToSnake converts an object to Snake Type StringCaseStyle and returns new pointer to it.
Eat(s string) string
Eat converts a string to the specified style and stores it as an object value.
IsCamel() bool
IsCamel returns true if object contains camelCase value.
IsKebab() bool
IsKebab returns true if object contains kebab-case value.
IsPascal() bool
IsPascal returns true if object contains PascalCase value.
IsSnake() bool
IsSnake returns true if object contains snake-case value.
IsValid() bool
IsValid returns true if StringCaseStyle is valid.
Set(s string) *StringCaseStyle
Set sets new value.
ToCamel() error
ToCamel converts an object to Camel Type StringCaseStyle.
ToKebab() error
ToKebab converts an object to Kebab Type StringCaseStyle.
ToPascal() error
ToPascal converts an object to Pascal Type StringCaseStyle.
ToSnake() error
ToSnake converts an object to Snake Type StringCaseStyle.
Value() string
Value returns value of the object.
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.