The Good Data Movement website is our portal to the outside world.
This website should act as a hub for the various projects & initiatives of the Good Data Movement & other similar organisations.
Do not merge anything to the master
Pull requests merged into development
will be automatically built & deployed to master
- Manifesto
- GDM Projects
- Brand: GDM logo & colour theming.
- Split block of text into window-sized chunks.
- Add gif/png/icons alongside/with each chunk of text.
- Snap between windows on scroll.
- Activists: People you can contact working on GDM or similar projects.
- Sponsors: Similar to Projects, for GDM sponsors.
- Companies/Organisations: Activist orgs in this space; from awesome-data-organisations
- Other Tools/Projects/Resources; pulled from awesome-privacy-resources
- How-can-you help interactive questionnaire.
- Donate/Subscribe/Join Kickstarter-style stretch goals & let people choose what we focus on.
- People: List people who support the GDM taken from Subscribers w/ Amount Donated & whatever information they consent to be displayed.
- Visualisation of Donations
(Going to need backend service for managing mail-list/database with subscription amounts etc., hopefully Subscription service provider has an API/provides this service.)
- Podcast: Links to download podcast.
- Blog/Medium integration.
- Link to all Social Media.
- Twitter feed.
- Discord plugin?
- Automate content pulling from various Good Data Movement repositories; e.g.
- Visualised spending breakdown for the year.
- Website is deployed on the
branch. development
is the branch for active development.
- Gatsbyjs
- React.js
- emotion/styled-components
- Static site hosted using Github Pages
NVM (Node Version Manager) is a great tool for managing your Node.js environment; we recommend you install node.js using this.
The following is taken from yarn's official installation guide for Ubuntu.
Please consult yarn's documentation for installing on other systems or for more information.
If you install node.js using nvm, using the --ignore-...
when installing yarn:
sudo apt install yarn --ignore-peer-dependencies
yarn && yarn develop
Builds production build and deploys to Github Pages.
yarn && yarn deploy
This website is bootstrapped from
Many thanks to @EmaSuriano for contributing Gatsby Starter Mate to the open-source community!