Dummy Uniswap v3 template with Go. Nothing too serious here
It's a template, not a package!
Check out this blog I wrote on how to use Templates with Go via go generate
Currently busy with other projects, so I won't be able to document this indepth.
You'll need abigen to generate the Uniswap v3 router and factory ABIs.
Install it via:
go install github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/cmd/abigen@latest
I've included the Factory, ERC20 and Router ABIs in the contract
Then generate the ABIs:
abigen --abi=contract/FactoryABI.json --pkg=uniswap --out=internal/uniswap/factory.go
Check the README.md
in configurations for customizing the networks and adding more on Uniswap v3.
You'll find swap functionality in the internal/uniswap/model.go
file. That's pretty much what this repo is about (easy to understand v3 swap functionality).
Feel free to fork and modify it to your needs.
Reach out to me on Contacts & Socials if you have any questions.
Have fun, run wild!