A IRC Bot built in PHP (using sockets) with OOP. Designed to run off a local LAMP, WAMP, or MAMP stack. Includes a custom Upstart script to run as Linux daemon.
- Official Website: http://wildphp.com, Source Code: Github
- Major Contributors: Super3, Pogosheep, Matejvelikonja
- !say [#channel] [message] - Says message in the specified IRC channel.
- !say [username] [message] - Says message in the specified IRC user.
- !join [#channel] - Joins the specified channel.
- !part [#channel] - Parts the specified channel.
- !timeout [seconds] - Bot leaves for the specified number of seconds.
- !restart - Quits and restarts the script.
- !quit - Quits and stops the script.
- !ip - Returns IP of a user.
- !weather [location] - Returns weather data for location.
- !poke [#channel] [username] - Pokes the specified IRC user.
- !joke - Returns random joke. Fetched from ICNDb.com.
- !imdb [movie title] - Searches for movie and returns it's information.
- Joins - Greets users when they join the channel.
proctitle (optional) - Changes the process title when running as service.
pecl install proctitle-alpha
Copy configuration file and customize its content.
cp config.php config.local.php
Copy Upstart script to folder and make appropriate changes.
sudo cp bin/phpbot404.conf /etc/init/
Run as PHP
php phpbot404.php
or Upstart service
start phpbot404
restart phpbot404
stop phpbot404
<random-user> !say #wildphp hello there
<wildphp-bot> hello there
<random-user> !poke #wildphp random-user
* wildphp-bot pokes random-user