Fur Elise is a project aimed at translating digital music sheets to speech for the visually impaired.
Environment: node - v6.4.0, npm - v3.10.3
Get Node Version Manager:
$ curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.31.0/install.sh -o install_nvm.sh
$ bash install_nvm.sh
$ source ~/.profile
$ nvm install 6.4.0
$ nvm use 6.4.0
$ node -v //output v6.4.0
$ npm -v //output v3.10.3
$ npm install bower -g
$ cd path-to-fur-elise/frontend
$ npm install
$ cd path-to-fur-elise/frontend/app
$ bower install
$ cd path-to-fur-elise/text2speech
$ npm install
Run front-end and text-to-speech service
$ cd path-to-fur-elise/text2speech
$ npm install
$ node index.js
// Open a new terminal
$ cd path-to-fur-elise/frontend
$ npm run english or npm run chinese
// Web app will run at http://localhost:8000
#Deploy in Google Cloud
$ [sudo] npm install forever -g
// To start & stop frontend:
$ cd path-to-fur-elise/frontend
$ forever start -c "npm run english" ./
$ forever stop -c "npm run english" ./
// To start & stop text2speech:
$ cd path-to-fur-elise/text2speech
$ forever start index.js
$ forever stop index.js
#Use This web app is designed to be friendly to visually impaired. All interactions can be done by keyboard. However you can still use mouse as you want.
- Enter - confirm input or select
- Left - move left
- Reft - move right
- Up - change to right hand score
- Down - change to left hand score
- ESC / Delete / Backspace - clear input
- Ctrl + 1 - go to "Search" page
- Ctrl + 2 - go to "My Favorites" page
- Ctrl + 3 - go to "History" page