It tis a powerfuul open source AI freamwork like Dialog Flow, LUIS. It contains Web API, Telegram Bot Client and Console Bot client.
The Project is developing now. You may join us! Please write to to contact.
The project has a micro service architecture. The scheme of the project is shown below.
you should send a post request to end point.
Post rquest:
"id":"<user id in database, long>",
"requestType":"<type of input message, [text, voice]>",
"voiceData":"<byte array or WAW PCM mino 1600 Hz sound (for voice messages)>",
"textData":"<string, (for text messages)>",
"language":"<type of language, [rus, eng]>"
Post respone:
"id": "<user id in database, long>",
"voiceData": "<byte array or WAW PCM mino 1600 Hz sound (for voice messages)>",
"outputText": "<string, text answer>",
"intentName": "string, name of user intent accoding to trained model",
"entity_name1": "entity_value1",
"entity_name2": "entity_value2"