zonegen creates a local zone for the subnet of the LAN interface and populates
it with PTR and A records by parsing the DHCP lease information obtained from
, while also accounting for the static leases stated in
- establish a working internet connection, make sure that we are not resolving
with our own
yet. it is safe to set the following for the WAN interface:
option peerdns '0'
list dns ''
- set
as the main DHCP provider withzonegen
to be triggered each time a lease action happens:
uci set dhcp.odhcpd.maindhcp='1'
uci set dhcp.odhcpd.leasetrigger='/bin/zonegen'
uci commit
- nuke
, remove the v6 client and allowodhcpd
to be used on v4 too:
opkg remove --force-removal-of-dependent-packages --autoremove \
dnsmasq \
odhcp6c \
- install the bits:
opkg update
opkg_extra="luci luci-app-vnstat2 luci-app-wireguard tcpdump openssh-sftp-server"
opkg install \
bind-server-filter-aaaa \
curl \
- download and install
(OR build yours as stated below):
cd /tmp
curl -L -O\
opkg install ./zonegen_c9f9a69d-2_mipsel_24kc.ipk
(if necessary, edit the domain name for the local zone in /etc/zonegen.conf
- set up
: (the acl lists innamed.conf
might require updating)
cd /etc/bind
rm -rfv /etc/bind/*
curl -L -O "${baseurl}"/named.conf
mkdir zone/
cd zone/
filelist="0 0.0.127 255 empty localhost root-nov6"
for i in ${filelist}; do curl -L -O "${baseurl}"/zone/"${i}"; done
mkdir chaos/
cd chaos/
chaosfiles="bind server"
for i in ${chaosfiles}; do curl -L -O "${baseurl}"/zone/chaos/"${i}"; done
- restart
and set zones:
/etc/init.d/named restart
to locally build by running the openwrt SDK on your machine, run the following. (you might want to update the toolchain specified within)
if the compilation is noticably slower than the local build with the shell
script up above, that mostly likely is due to the fakeroot
process within the
container choking up, you might want to add --ulimit "nofile=1024:524288"
your docker
run args, or change the line LimitNOFILE=infinity
for docker
and containerd
systemd service files.
to learn more, refer to: moby/moby#38814
(please note that the Dockerfile assumes the ramips-mt7621
for the target)
docker build -t mss-owrt-ramips-mt7621 .
docker run --rm \
-e MAKEFLAGS="-j$(nproc)" \
-v "${PWD}"/openwrt-feed/:/build/openwrt-feed \
-v "${PWD}"/bin:/build/bin \
mss-owrt-ramips-mt7621 \
bash -c \
"echo src-link local /build/openwrt-feed >> feeds.conf.default && \
./scripts/feeds update packages base local && \
./scripts/feeds install zonegen && \
make defconfig && \
make package/zonegen/compile"