This is an artifact for accepted paper 163 of Euro-Par 2020, "Improving mapping for sparse direct solvers: A trade-off between data locality and load balancing" by authors Changjiang Gou, Ali Al Zoobi, Anne Benoit, Mathieu Faverge, Loris Marchal, Grégoire Pichon, and Pierre Ramet.
overview, which introduces the basic softwares and details steps on how to reproduce experiments.
raw_results, which includes all raw results and the R script to clean the results and to plot curves.
scripts, which contains all bash scripts used to generate raw datas and to download matrices.
pastix_sharedM, an empty directory, where PaStiX is supposed to be installed.
pastix_distributed, an empty directory, where PaStiX is supposed to be installed, with MPI option on.
matrice, where the matrices used in our experiments should be placed.
More informations can be found in file overview to reproduce the results.
- Install dependencies
sudo apt-get install git cmake g++ gfortran \
libhwloc-dev libscotch-dev \
libopenblas-dev liblapacke-dev \
python-numpy openmpi-bin
- Setup the variable for the location of the artifact directory, and let's consider everything will be done from that directory if not specified.
export ARTIFACTS_DIR=path_to_the_artifact_directory
- Clone the repository and backup the directory for future uses
git clone -b europar2020 --recursive
- Let's create the shared memory build and test it
cd $ARTIFACTS_DIR/pastix_sharedM
make -j 8
./example/simple -9 20:20:20
- Let's create the distributed memory build and test it
cd $ARTIFACTS_DIR/pastix_distributed
make -j 8
mpirun -np 2 ./example/simple -9 20:20:20
- Download the matrices used. This may take some time and a lot of memory.
cd $ARTIFACTS_DIR/scripts
- Analysis results on a shared memory context on an example matrix
./pastix_sharedM/example/analyze -3 ./matrice/1138_bus.mtx -v4 -i iparm_allcand 0
- Analysis results on a distributed context on an example matrix
mpirun -np 6 ./pastix_distributed/example/analyze -3 ./matrice/1138_bus.mtx -v4 -t 4 -i iparm_allcand 0
- Factorization on a shared memory context on an example matrix
./pastix_sharedM/example/bench_facto -3 ./matrice/1138_bus.mtx -v4 -i iparm_allcand 0
- Analysis results on a shared memory context
cd $ARTIFACTS_DIR/scripts
- Analysis results on a distributed context
cd $ARTIFACTS_DIR/scripts
- Factorization time on a shared memory context
cd $ARTIFACTS_DIR/scripts
- Generate plots
cd $ARTIFACTS_DIR/raw_results
Rscript ./CombineData_Plot.R