These days Social media are not that safe. Most people face Toxic comments based on their gender, race or background etc.. So I build this project to Classify those comments.It is also part of My Kaggle Competition.
Problem Statement: Given a comment made by the user, predict the toxicity of the comment.
- Source:
- We have one single csv file for training and one cvs file to test.
- Columns in train data:
Comment_text: This is the Data in string format which we have to use to find the toxicity.
Target: Target values which are to be predicted (has values between 0 and 1)
Data also has additional toxicity subtype attributes: (Model does not have to predict these)
- Severe_toxicity
- obscene
- threat
- insult
- identity_attack
- sexual_explicit
Comment_text data also has identity attributes carved out from it, some of which are:
- male
- female
- homosexual_gay_or_lesbian
- christian
- jewish
- muslim
- black
- white
- asian
- latino
- psychiatric_or_mental_illness
Apart from above features the train data also provides meta-data from jigsaw like:
- toxicity_annotator_count
- identity_anotator_count
- article_id
- funny
- sad
- wow
- likes
- disagree
- publication_id
- parent_id
- article_id
- created_date
Comment: i'm a white woman in my late 60's and believe me, they are not too crazy about me either!!
- Toxicity Labels: All 0.0
- Identity Mention Labels: female: 1.0, white: 1.0 (all others 0.0)
Comment: Why would you assume that the nurses in this story were women?
- Toxicity Labels: All 0.0
- Identity Mention Labels: female: 0.8 (all others 0.0)
Comment: Continue to stand strong LGBT community. Yes, indeed, you'll overcome and you have.
- Toxicity Labels: All 0.0
- Identity Mention Labels: homosexual_gay_or_lesbian: 0.8, bisexual: 0.6, transgender: 0.3 (all others 0.0)
We have to predict the toxicity level(target attribute). The values range from 0 to 1 inclusive. This is a regression problem. It can also be treated as a classification problem if we take every value below 0.5 to be non-toxic and above it to be toxic, we would then get a binary classification problem.
The competition will use ROC_AUC as the metric after converting the numeric target variable into a categorical variable by using a threshold of 0.5. Any comment above 0.5 will be assumed to be toxic and below it non-toxic. For our training and evaluation we will use the MSE(Mean Squared Error). More on evaluation:
Objectives: Predict the toxicity of a comment made by the user. (0 -> not toxic, 1 -> highest toxicity level)
- The model should be fast to predict the toxicity rating.
- Interpretability is not needed.
- Python 3.7
- Numpy
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- Seaborn
- ML Algorithms
- Getting the dataset
- Getting insights from dataset using visualisation tools.
- Preprocessing the data using NLTK.
- Applying Multi Label classification algorithms.
- Comparing the results and choosing the best among them.