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A Gradle module which implements OpenID Connect to return an access token for Android.

Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation


Implementation of Authentication package


To use Authentication in an Android Project:

  1. Add the following to the settings.gradle.kts
dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {
        maven("") {
            if (file("${rootProject.projectDir.path}/").exists()) {
                val propsFile = File("${rootProject.projectDir.path}/")
                val props = Properties().also { it.load(FileInputStream(propsFile)) }
                val ghUsername = props["ghUsername"] as String?
                val ghToken = props["ghToken"] as String?

                credentials {
                    username = ghUsername
                    password = ghToken
            } else {
                credentials {
                    username = System.getenv("USERNAME")
                    password = System.getenv("TOKEN")
  1. For local development, ensure you have a in the project's root which includes your username and an access token. Do not commit this file to Version Control!
  2. Add implementation("") for latest version. Check packages for version information

Package description

The Authentication package authenticates a users details and enables them to log into their account securely. This is done by providing them with a login session and token.

The package integrates openID AppAuth and conforms to its standards, documentation can be found here AppAuth



Handles creating the config found in LoginSession. It requires the following to be initialised:

val authorizeEndpoint: Uri
val clientId: String
val redirectUri: Uri
val scopes: List<Scope>
val tokenEndpoint: Uri

// Default values
val locale: Locale = Locale.EN
val prefersEphemeralWebSession: Boolean = true
val responseType: ResponseType = ResponseType.CODE
val vectorsOfTrust: String = "[\"Cl.Cm.P0\"]"


Holds the returned token values

val tokenType: String
val accessToken: String
val accessTokenExpirationTime: Long
val idToken: String
val refreshToken: String?
val scope: String


Custom error extending Error

val message: String
val type: ErrorType


A class to handle the login flow with the given auth provider and conforms to the LoginSession protocol.

present takes configuration, which comes from LoginSessionConfiguration, as a parameter and contains the login information to make the request. It will start an Activity for Result

finalise takes the Intent received from the Activity started by present and provides the TokenResponse via a callback

Example Implementation

How to use the Authentication package



val loginSession: LoginSession = AppAuthSession(context)
val configuration = LoginSessionConfiguration(
    authorizeEndpoint = uri,
    clietId = "clientId",
    redirectUri = uri,
    scopes = "scopes",
    tokenEdnpoint = uri


Ensure the request code has been registered by the Activity to handle the ActivityResult and call finalise

override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)

    if (requestCode == LoginSession.REQUEST_CODE_AUTH) {
        try {
            loginSession.finalise(intent) { tokens ->
                // Do what you like with the tokens!
                // ...
        } catch (e: Error) {
            // handle error


A Gradle module which implements OpenID Connect to return an access token for Android.


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Security policy



