- Clone the repository to your local
- Create a new file with your name as the file name with some basic info about yourself :)
- Commit the changes with an appropriate message
- Push the changes to github
- Cut a branch from the master branch and call it by your name
- Edit the file you created in Exercise 1 and add some funny incident you encountered recently
- Commit the changes and push the new branch you created into github
- Create a PR from the branch you just created to the master branch, and add reviewers to it
- Get it reviewed by any one of your peers in this room and get it merged
- Reviewers - Please add comments to the PR requesting changes or more information about the person you are reviewing for.
- There already exists a branch called - exercise3, checkout to this branch on your local
- create a new branch from exercise3 branch
- Edit the metadata.txt file
- Add a line - "<your_name> - <basic_info_file_name>"
- commit your changes
- Push, create a PR from your nee branch to exercise3 branch, send it for review and get it merged.
- Resolve conflicts by pulling latest version of exercise3 branch
- Once you have completed all the above tasks, create a tag in github and version it with a consecutive version id