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A suite of stochastic optimization methods for solving the empirical risk minimization problem.


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warning package under development: it will break. But renewed shall be the code that was broken, the crashless again shall compile.

Download the datasets

After cloning it, go into the StochOpt.jl repository and download the datasets by running


If it crashes, data can be downloaded manually here. Then, datasets .jld files should be placed in the directory ./data.


Launch the Julia REPL and press ] to enter the package REPL mode, then install the required packages with

(v1.0) pkg> add JLD
(v1.0) pkg> add Plots
(v1.0) pkg> add StatsBase
(v1.0) pkg> add Match
(v1.0) pkg> add Combinatorics
(v1.0) pkg> add Formatting
(v1.0) pkg> add LaTeXStrings
(v1.0) pkg> add PyPlot
(v1.0) pkg> add Distributions
(v1.0) pkg> add Distributed

if any problem with PyPlot, try the following manipulation

$ julia
julia> ENV["PYTHON"]=""
julia> ]
(v1.0) pkg> build PyCall


A suite of stochastic optimization methods for solving the empirical risk minimization problem.


For a simple demo of the use of the package

julia ./test/demo.jl


For a demo of the SVRG2 type methods from [1]

julia ./test/test/demo_SVRG2.jl

For a demo of the BFGS and accelerated BFGS methods from [2]

julia ./test/demo_BFGS.jl

For a demo of SAGA with optimized probabilities from [4]

julia ./test/demo_SAGA.jl

For a demo of SAGA nice from [5]

julia ./test/demo_SAGA_nice.jl

Repeating paper results

Tracking the gradients using the Hessian: A new look at variance reducing stochastic methods

To re-generate all of the experiments from [1]

julia ./repeat_paper_experiments/repeat_SVRG2_paper_experiments.jl

Accelerated stochastic matrix inversion: general theory and speeding up BFGS rules for faster second-order optimization

To re-generate all of the experiments from [2]

julia ./repeat_paper_experiments/repeat_BFGS_accel_paper_results.jl

Stochastic Quasi-Gradient Methods: Variance Reduction via Jacobian Sketching

To re-generate the experiments from Section 6.1 of [4]

julia ./repeat_paper_experiments/compare_SAGA_importance_opt_Lis.jl

To re-generate the experiments from Section 6.1 of [4]

julia ./repeat_paper_experiments/test_optimal_minibatch_SAGA_nice.jl

Optimal mini-batch and step sizes for SAGA

  • To re-generate the experiments from Section 5.1 & 5.2 of [5] (~1h 30min)
julia -p <number_of_processors> ./repeat_paper_experiments/repeat_optimal_minibatch_step_sizes_SAGA_paper_experiment_1_and_2_parallel.jl all_problems

setting all_problems to false to run the code only on the first problem, unscaled uniform synthetic dataset with $\lambda =10^{-1}$, (~XXXXXmin) or to true to run it on all of them (~XXXXXXXXh XXXXXmin).

  • To re-generate experiments from Section 5.3 of [5]
julia -p <number_of_processors> ./repeat_paper_experiments/repeat_optimal_minibatch_step_sizes_SAGA_paper_experiment_3_parallel.jl all_problems

setting all_problems to false to run the code only on the first problem, scaled ijcnn1_full with $\lambda =10^{-1}$, (~1min) or to true to run it on all of them (~1h 30min).

  • To re-generate the experiments from Section 5.4 of [5]
julia -p <number_of_processors> ./repeat_paper_experiments/repeat_optimal_minibatch_step_sizes_SAGA_paper_experiment_4_parallel.jl all_problems

setting all_problems to false to run the code only on the first problem, scaled ijcnn1_full with $\lambda =10^{-1}$, (~2min) or to true to run it on all of them (~XXh XXmin).

Towards closing the gap between the theory and practice of SVRG

  • To re-generate experiments of [6], enter the StochOpt.jl folder and run
./repeat_paper_experiments/ <path_to_julia> <absolute_path_to_StochOpt.jl> <exp_number> <all_problems> <number_of_processors>

setting exp_number to 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a or 2b to select the desired experiment, all_problems to false to run the code only on the first problem, scaled ijcnn1_full with $\lambda =10^{-1}$, (~10 to 20min) or to true to run it on all the eight problems (several hours). If you run an experiment on all the problems, set number_of_processors (1 by default) to 8 in order to run them in parallel.

Methods implemented

SVRG, the original SVRG algorithm.
SVRG2, which tracks the gradients using the full Hessian.
2D, which tracks the gradients using the diagonal of the Hessian.
2Dsec, which tracks the gradients using the robust secant equation.
SVRG2emb, which tracks the gradients using a low-rank approximation of the Hessians.
CM, which tracks the gradients using the low-rank curvature matching approximation of the Hessian.
AM, which uses the low-rank action matching approximation of the Hessian.
BFGS, the standard, full memory BFGS method.
BFGS_accel, an accelerated BFGS method.
SAGA, stochastic average gradient descent, with several options of samplings (including optimal probabilities).
SAGA nice, mini-batch version of SAGA with nice sampling.

More details on the methods can be found in [1], [2], [4] and [5]

Code Philosophy

To provide en environment where competing stochastic methods can be compared on equal footing. This is why all methods are called by the same wrapper function "minimizeFunc" (or it's extension minimizeFunc_grid_stepsize). All performance measures such as time taken, test error or epochs are calculated by these wrapper functions. Each new method need only supply a stepmethod and a bootmethod. The stepmethod returns an update vector d which is then added to x_k to give the next iterate x_{k+1}. The bootmethod is called once to initialize the method.

Adding more data

To test a new data set, download the raw data of a binary classification from LIBSVM [3] and place it in the folder ./data. Then replace "liver-disorders" in the code src/load_new_LIBSVM_data.jl and execute. In other words, run the code


datasets = ["liver-disorders"]
for  dataset in datasets
X,y = loadDataset(dataset)

where "liver-disorders" has been replaced with the name of the new raw data file.

Adding new loss functions

to include new objective function, see load_logistic.jl and copy the same structure

Adding new methods

to include a new method X, you need to write a descent_X.jl and boot_X.jl function. See descent_grad and boot_grad for an example. I also recommend writing your type and including it in StochOpt or using one of the types there defined already.


[1] Tracking the gradients using the Hessian: A new look at variance reducing stochastic methods
Robert M. Gower, Nicolas Le Roux and Francis Bach. To appear in AISTATS 2018

[2] Accelerated stochastic matrix inversion: general theory and speeding up BFGS rules for faster second-order optimization
Robert M. Gower, Filip Hanzely, P. Richtárik and S. Stich. arXiv:1801.05490, 2018

[3] LIBSVM : a library for support vector machines.
Chih-Chung Chang and Chih-Jen Lin, ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 2:27:1--27:27, 2011. Software available at

[4] Stochastic Quasi-Gradient Methods: Variance Reduction via Jacobian Sketching
Robert M. Gower, Peter Richtárik, Francis Bach

[5] Optimal mini-batch and step sizes for SAGA
Nidham Gazagnadou, Robert M. Gower and Joseph Salmon. arXiv:1902.00071, 2019

[6] Towards closing the gap between the theory and practice of SVRG
Othmane Sebbouh, Nidham Gazagnadou, Samy Jelassi, Francis Bach, Robert M. Gower. arXiv:1908.02725, 2019

For up-to-date references see


  • change output type to have a testerrors field. Think where best to load a test problem. Probably outside of minimizeFunc. Where best to place code for test_error ? Probably best to start a new src file for error calculations? or testing related things?
  • Implement the calculation of the Jacobian.
  • The code for SVRG2 type methods (AMprev, AMgauss, CMprev, CMgauss) should have their own type. Right now they are definied using the generic Method type, which is why the code for these functions is illegible.


A suite of stochastic optimization methods for solving the empirical risk minimization problem.







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