UI Automation and Visual Regression Testing using WebDriverIO and mocha
- WebdriverIO v6
- Selenium 3.141.59
- Mocha v6
- Node version 10.16 or higher
- Page Object Model
- Test scenarios in mocha
- Chrome and firefox (latest versions) with various window sizes
- Parallel execution
- Grouping of tests to create multiple test suites
- HTML reporting with screenshots
Follow the below commands:
Make sure
node_modules and reports
folders are deleted -
Install dependencies using
npm i
in the terminal. -
npm run mobileWeb
to run in chrome headless (window size - 375 X 812) -
npm run desktopChrome
to run chrome headless (window size - 1200 X 800) -
npm run desktopChromeSmoke
to run smoke test suite in chrome headless (window size - 1200 X 800) -
npm run desktopFirefox
to run firefox [make sure you run in non-headless mode] -
npm run vrt
to run visual regression testing in chrome headless
Build docker image using
docker build -t volvo-wdio .
from the project root folder -
To Run a container using the newly built docker container, run the command
docker run --name volvo -it volvo-wdio bash
- Make sure
node_modules and reports
folders are deleted - Install dependencies using
npm i
in the terminal. - Execute
npm run mobileWeb
to run in chrome headless (window size - 375 X 812) - Execute
npm run desktopChrome
to run chrome headless (window size - 1200 X 800) - Execute
npm run desktopChromeSmoke
to run smoke test suite in chrome headless (window size - 1200 X 800) - Execute
npm run desktopFirefox
to run firefox headless - Execute
npm run vrt
to run visual regression testing in chrome headless
- Make sure
|-- config
|-- driver
|-- reports
|-- test
|-- data
|-- pages
|-- utils
|-- specs
|-- desktopWeb
|-- mobileBrowser
|-- visualRegression
main dir | use |
config | contains config files |
driver | contains drivers |
test | tests and data |
reports | contains HTML report using html-nice-reporter, screenshots and screens taken during vrt |
test dir | use |
data | contains data for tests like urls, account numbers etc. |
pages | contains page objects (POM) |
specs | tests |
utils | contains common functions like screenshots, screencompare etc. |
specs dir | use |
desktopWeb | tests that run in normal web browser |
mobileBrowser | tests that run in chrome (window size - 1200 X 800) |
visualRegression | vrt tests |
- Added
selector method
to identify selectors based on driver / platform. This helps us to reuse the same tests across platforms like mobile, web etc. - Added an util method
compare screen
to compare 2 screens. this helps to add tests to test video banner (video playing or not), broken images etc. - Only Basic Tests are added.
desktopWeb and mobileBrowser specs
are running same tests here. It is not necessary to have same tests in both specs. Different specs are created so that we can add different tests.- Retry failing tests.
- Group tests to create different test suites like smoke, regressin. It is only added in desktopChrome. It can be extended to other configs also