Author: Giuseppe Paterno' Derived from a script by
This Python script generates a dynamic inventory based on OpenStack instances if passed without arguments.
It is capable of setting ansible common variables (user and if to use sudo) and to set role(s) to given servers. These roles turns into group when passed to ansible.
The script is passed via "-i" to ansible-playbook. Ansible Example: ansible -i ./ all -m ping
usage: [-h] [--sudo] [--no-sudo] [--user USER]
[--no-user] [--role ROLE] [--no-roles] [--list]
[server [server ...]]
Process ansible inventory
positional arguments:
server openstack server instance
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--sudo Turn on sudo in Ansible
--no-sudo Turn off sudo in Ansible
--user USER User used in Ansible to connect
--no-user Remove default user for host
--role ROLE Set role to server (can use multiple times)
--no-roles Delete all roles from server
--list List inventory
- Python: novaclient, openstackclient
- The environment variables OS_USERNAME, OS_PASSWORD, OS_TENANT_NAME, OS_AUTH_URL must be set according to nova.
Set the metadata directly with the openstack client
openstack server set --property ansible_host_vars="ansible_ssh_user->centos;ansible_sudo->yes" instance_name
openstack server set --property roles="base,db" instance_name