Complete Vagrant LAMP setup for dev environment based on Debian 10 (Buster) with Apache 2.4, PHP 7.3 and MySQL 5.7. Composer and Node v12 are available for easy package management.
Keep in mind that this box is not build with security in mind. That means that iptables is on default settings, principle of least privilege not followed, MySQL password is easy to guess and used directly in command line etc etc
- VirtualBox
- Vagrant
- Git
- Debian 10 (Buster)
- Apache 2.4 with mod rewrite enabled
- PHP 7.3
- MySQL 5.7
- Git
- Composer
- Node v12 LTS
- php7.3-pdo
- php7.3-mysql
- php7.3-mbstring
- php7.3-bcmath
- php7.3-xml
- php7.3-intl
- php7.3-tokenizer
- php7.3-gd
- php7.3-imagick
- php7.3-curl
- php7.3-zip
- php-xdebug
mkdir myNewLampSetup
cd myNewLampSetup
git clone .
vagrant up
After provisioning is completed, open your favorite browser and enter IP address (
For ssh access type:
vagrant ssh
And that's it. Fully featured web server is ready, composer and npm are available for package management.
- IP address of your newly created box is
- document root is /vagrant/source/public
- Directory shared with Host OS is /vagrant/source
- mod rewrite will be enabled
- MySQL user/password is root/toor
- XDebug idekey = XDEBUG_KEY
- Remote port for XDebug is 9001
- ll alias will work
- db is alias for mysql -u root -ptoor, for quick access to MySQL
Add following code to your /etc/hosts (Linux/macOS):
and than you can use in your browser instead of IP address.
Of course, you can change to whatever you like.
Some configuration options are in config.yml. There you can edit IP address of the box, hostname, mysql password etc.
If you want to execute specific mysql queries during provisioning, just add them into queries.sql file. That way you can easily add new non-root user, create database, grant access etc etc
Have Fun!