Provides a simple Node library for accessing TipRanks' publicly accessible stock information for demonstration purposes.
*NOTE: Due to changes to TipRanks unoffical APIs, this module is unlikely to retreive accurate data, and will likely get blocked.
Use "mocha tests" to test all API functionality.
var api = require('../tipranks').api,
analytics = require('../tipranks').analytics,
Benchmark = api.BenchmarkEnum,
Experts = api.ExpertTypeEnum,
Periods = api.PeriodEnum,
options = {};
// Get short picks with high upside
options = {
benchmark: Benchmark.SNP,
period: Periods.OneMonth,
minChange: 20,
minUpside: 20,
sort: 'upside'
analytics.getMostRecommendedStocks(options).then(function (stocks) {