To see how to use pytorch tensors and cuda kernels to avoid transfering GDF data to RAM when using GOAI with pytorch, check out the following code (which is the core of what is being run in this demo)...
To build the docker image, go into the ./notebook-demo-docker
and run:
docker build -t conda_cuda_base:latest ./base
docker build -t cudf:latest ./demo
nvidia-docker run -p 8888:8888 -ti cudf:latest
This launches mapd and the notebook automatically.
Login to the notebook with your browser by following the URL printed on the terminal.
Open mapd_to_pygdf_to_pytorch_tensors.ipynb
and hit "Run All" to test.
This notebook should run to the end without error.
To run on specific GPUs, use NV_GPU.
For example:
NV_GPU=0 nvidia-docker run -p 8888:8888 -ti cudf:latest