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@2018-11-27 2018-11-27 released this 15 Jul 01:18
· 18 commits to main since this release
  1. This update mainly focuses on extensive functional enhancements and optimizations to the Retry decorator.
  2. The Retry decorator now subtracts the runtime of the program from the interval time before each retry.
  3. The Retry decorator by removing the type conversion for parameters count and sleep.
  4. The Retry decorator adds a retry mechanism based on total execution time. #1
  5. The Retry decorator adds a retry mechanism based on external event. #2
  6. The Retry decorator Adds a retry mechanism based on exception message. #3
  7. Completely remove the deprecated decorators TryExceptAsync and RetryAsync.
  8. Add more detailed descriptions of internal exceptions.
  9. Refactor module descriptions and update the readme file.

  1. 此次更新主要对 Retry 装饰器进行了大量的功能增强和优化改动。
  2. Retry 装饰器现在会在每次重试时,从间隔时间中减去程序的运行时间。
  3. Retry 装饰器中移除对参数 countsleep 的类型转换,若类型错误将直接抛出异常。
  4. Retry 装饰器中添加基于总执行时间的重试机制。 #1
  5. Retry 装饰器中添加基于外部条件(或事件)的重试机制。 #2
  6. Retry 装饰器中添加基于异常消息的重试机制。 #3
  7. 彻底移除已弃用的装饰器 TryExceptAsyncRetryAsync
  8. 增加更详细的内部异常描述。
  9. 重构模块描述,更新自述文件,确保准确反映当前功能和用途。