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Graasp Deploy

staging-test GitHub release (latest SemVer)

Deploy Graasp ecosystem in AWS using Github workflows and Github actions.

View Deployed versions


What Graasp Deploy does

Graasp Deploy provides developers different workflows to accelerate the way they deliver code, shipping quality features to production faster. This is achieved by adopting the CI/CD approach, which represents a radical shift from the manual way of doing things. This approach adds automation to the integration, delivery and deployment stages.

This repository contains:

  • Reusable workflows: they include the jobs that will be reused by other repositories. These jobs use Github actions to perform the required tasks inside each of the pipelines: integration, delivery and deployment. All the workflows are available inside the .github/workflows folder.
  • Caller templates: templates that references the corresponding reusable workflows. All the templates are available inside the caller-workflow-templates folder. To add the desired functionality to your repository, you should include the appropriate templates in the .github/workflows folder of your repository. For more information see Add caller workflows

The workflows are classified based on the 3 different stages inside the CI/CD pipeline: Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment. Moreover, each one of these stages also contains workflows for the different distribution/delivery strategies that Graasp repositories use: AWS S3 (or S3 apps) and AWS ECS.


Continuous Integration

Continuously build, test and merge new code changes and deploy them to the development environment. There, developers can see how new features will work and test improvements without affecting real users.

This functionality is provided by caller workflows with the syntax cintegration-*.yml. When triggered from your repository, three jobs are run: test, build and deploy.

Use this workflow family whenever you want to automate the deployment of your repository to the development environment. For more information see Deploy to development environment.

Update staging versions

When the code is considered to be release-ready, it can be promoted to the staging environment.

This functionality is provided by the update-staging-version.yml caller workflow. Use this workflow whenever you want to automate the addition of new tags from your own repository to the ecosystem staging stack in graasp-deploy. For more information see Create a new candidate for the staging environment.

Every time this workflow finishes, a new staging-versions stack is created containing the latest pushed version for all the repositories in the ecosystem. This stack information can be found inside the staging-versions folder in graasp-deploy.

Continuous Delivery

Automated process that takes the validated code additions from the previous process and releases them to the staging environment. This isolated environment is as similar to the production environment as it can be, and it is where all of the hard core testing will be performed.

This functionality is provided by the cdelivery-trigger.yml workflow. This workflow triggers the reusable workflows with the syntax cdelivery-*.yml available inside all the ecosystem repositories. These workflows perform build and deploy jobs.

Use this workflow family whenever you want to automate the deployment of the latest ecosystem staging-versions stack to the staging environment. For more information see Deploy a new stack to staging environment.

Every time this workflow finishes, the recently deployed staging-versions stack will be included in the current-staging-versions.json file inside the deployed folder in graasp-deploy. It will also be promoted and included inside the release-versions folder so it is available for the next step.

Continuous Deployment

When the code is considered to be production-ready, it can be automatically deployed to the production environment.

This functionality is provided by the cdeployment-trigger.yml workflow. This workflow triggers the reusable workflows with the syntax cdeployment-*.yml available inside all the ecosystem repositories. These workflows perform build and deploy jobs.

Use this workflow family whenever you want to automate the deployment of the latest ecosystem release-versions stack to the production environment. For more information see Deploy a new stack to production environment.

Every time this workflow finishes, the recently deployed release-versions stack will be included in the current-production-versions.json file inside the deployed folder in graasp-deploy. It will also be promoted and included inside the production-versions folder.

How to

Add graasp-deploy features

Whenever you want to add the graasp-deploy features to your repository, you should add the appropriate caller workflows. To achieve this, perform the following steps:

  1. Copy the appropriate caller templates from the graasp-deploy caller-workflow-templates folder in the .github/workflows folder of your repository.

    • If your repository is a graasp-app that uses AWS S3 as a distribution strategy: copy all the *-s3-apps-caller.yml files.
    • If your repository uses AWS S3 as a distribution strategy: copy all the *-s3-caller.yml files.
    • If your repository uses AWS ECS as a distribution strategy: copy all the *-ecs-caller.yml files.
  2. Copy the update-staging-version.yml file from the graasp-deploy caller-workflow-templates folder in the .github/workflows folder of your repository.

  3. Adapt your *-caller.yml templates and include the required inputs and secrets. These represent the environment variables that your repository needs. The templates contain all the possible inputs and secrets that the reusable workflow can handle, but your repository might not need all of them. Feel free to remove any that are unnecessary. If you need to add a new environment variable, please see Update environment variables.

  4. All the secrets you include should be added to the Secrets section of your repository. For more information on how to add secrets see 4. Create secrets.

  5. If your repository uses AWS ECS as a distribution strategy, add the task definition files of your deployment to the .aws folder of your repository. These task definition files can be retireved manually from the AWS Console or running the following command:

    aws ecs describe-task-definition --task-definition <family>:<revision>

    These files specify which container you want to run, the docker image, ports to expose, CPU to allocate, env variables and logs. For more information on the appropriate syntax see "Task definition parameters".

    You should include three files (one for each environment) which should be named in the following format: <name>-<environment>.json. You shoud include:

    • <name>-dev.json as an input for the cintegration-ecs-caller.yml.
    • <name>-stage.json as an input for the cdelivery-ecs-caller.yml.
    • <name>-prod.json as an input for the cdeployment-ecs-caller.yml.

After performing these steps, your repository will include all the features available in graasp-deploy. For more information on this see Features.

Deploy to development environment

The Continuous Integration workflow (cintegration-*.yml) is responsible for performing the deployment to development environment. It can be manually run from the Actions tab of your own repository. Write access to the repository is required to perform these steps.

Action tab

  1. In the left sidebar, click the Deploy to development environment workflow.

    Action select workflow

  2. Above the list of workflow runs, select Run workflow.

    Action dispatch

  3. (Optional) Use the Branch dropdown to select a branch in case you want to deploy an specific branch.

    Branch dropdown

  4. Finally, click on Run workflow and wait until the process is finished.

Create a new candidate for the staging environment

To promote a new version of your development so that it goes from development to staging environment, you need to generate a new version. For this purpose, make sure your repository is using standard-version:

  • this utility must be added to the devDependencies of your repository.

  • the following scripts must be included in your package.json:

        "scripts": {
            "release": "standard-version -a",
            "release:first": "standard-version -a --first-release",
            "release:minor": "standard-version -a --release-as minor",
            "release:major": "standard-version -a --release-as major"

Whenever you want to create a new tag, perform the following steps:

  1. Choose between one of the following options:

    • First Release: To generate a tag and your changelog for your first release, simply do:

      yarn run release:first
    • Cutting Releases: to cut a new release, simply do:

      yarn run release
    • Release as a Target Type Imperatively: To forgo the automated version bump use one of the following:

      yarn run release:minor
      yarn run release:major

    For more information on which option to choose based on the appropriate tag syntax, see Semantic Versioning HOWTO.

  2. Run git push --follow-tags origin master to publish the new tag.

  3. This will automatically trigger the update-staging-version.yml workflow inside your repository.

This process sends the new tag to the graasp-deploy repository and creates a new YYYYMMddhhmm-staging-versions.json file including the new version.

Deploy a new stack to staging environment

The Continuous Delivery workflow (cdelivery-trigger.yml) is responsible for deploying a new stack of all the ecosystem versions to staging environment. It can be manually run from the Actions tab of the graasp-deploy repository. Being a member of the staging team is required to perform these steps.

Action tab

Whenever you want to deploy the latest staging stack available inside the staging-versions folder, you should perform the following steps:

  1. In the left sidebar, click the Deploy to staging environment workflow.

    Action select staging workflow

  2. Above the list of workflow runs, select Run workflow.

    Action dispatch

  3. (Optional) Use the input text field to specify a YYYYMMddhhmm-staging-versions.json file in case you want to deploy an specific stack. This file must be available inside the staging-versions folder.

    Workflow dropdown

  4. Finally, click on Run workflow and wait until the process is finished.

This process automatically triggers all the cdelivery-*.yml workflows present in the repositories specified inside the YYYYMMddhhmm-staging-versions.json file. After the workflow finishes the stack (represented by the YYYYMMddhhmm-staging-versions.json file) will be promoted to release:

  • It will be included in the release-versions folder
  • It will be copied to the deployed/current-staging-versions.json file.

Deploy a new stack to production environment

The Continuous Deployment workflow (cdeployment-trigger.yml) is responsible for deploying a new stack of all the ecosystem versions to production environment. It can be manually run from the Actions tab of the graasp-deploy repository. Being a member of the production team is required to perform these steps.

Action tab

Whenever you want to deploy the latest release stack available inside the release-versions folder, you should perform the following steps:

  1. In the left sidebar, click the Deploy to production environment workflow.

    Action select production workflow

  2. Above the list of workflow runs, select Run workflow.

    Action dispatch

  3. Finally, click on Run workflow and wait until the process is finished.

This process automatically triggers all the cdeployment-*.yml workflows present in the repositories specified inside the YYYYMMddhhmm-release-versions.json file. After the workflow finishes the stack (represented by the YYYYMMddhhmm-release-versions.json file) will be promoted to release:

  • It will be included in the production-versions folder
  • It will be copied to the deployed/current-production-versions.json file.

View a workflow

After a workflow run has started, you can see a visualization graph of the run's progress and view each step's activity on GitHub. For more information see Github Docs "Viewing a workflow".

  1. In the left sidebar, click the workflow you want to see.


  2. Under "Workflow runs", click the name of the run you want to see.

    Workflow run

  3. Under Jobs or in the visualization graph, click the job you want to see.

    Job result

  4. View the results of each step.

    Step result

Update environment variables

In case you have updated your repository and you are using a new environment variable, you have to update both your repository's caller workflow as well as the reusable workflow it refers to from graasp-deploy.

The environment variables are passed to the caller workflows as either inputs or secrets. You have to choose the approach that fits best.

For this purpose, you need to perform the following steps.

1. Update inputs and secrets in the reusable workflow

The reusabe workflow is available in the .github/workflows folder in graasp-deploy.

Example: cintegration-s3.yml file.

    # Define inputs which can be passed from the caller workflow
    // ...
        required: true
        type: string
    # Define secrets which can be passed from the caller workflow
    // ...
        required: true

For more information on the appropriate input syntax, see Github Docs "Workflow syntax".

2. Reference the input or secret that you defined in the previous step inside the appropriate job of the reusable workflow

Example: cintegration-s3.yml file.

// ...
    needs: test
    name: Build
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: Yarn build dev
      id: build-image
      # Set environment variables required to perform the build. These are only available to this step
        NEW_APP_NAME: ${{ }}
        NEW_APP_SECRET: ${{ }}
// ...

3. Include the input/secret name in the caller workflow

The caller workflow is available in the .github/workflows folder in your own repository.

  • Use the with keyword to pass named inputs.
  • Use the secrets keyword to pass named secrets.

You should perform this step for:

Example: cintegration-s3.yml file.

    # Uses the workflow updated in the previous steps
    uses: graasp/graasp-deploy/.github/workflows/cintegration-s3.yml@main
      new-app-name: 'new app'
      new-app-secret: ${{ secrets.NEW_APP_SECRET }}

4. Create secrets

If you decided to pass any of your new variables as a secret, you have to create a new secret for the specific repository. The secret must have the same name you specified in the previous step.

  1. Navigate to the main page of the repository.

  2. Under the repository name, click Settings

    Settings tab

  3. In the left sidebar, click Secrets > Actions.


  4. Click New repository secret.

  5. Type a name for your secret in the Name input box. Example: NEW_APP_SECRET

    New secret

  6. Enter the value for your secret.

  7. Click Add secret.

For more information, see Github Docs "Encrypted secrets".

Update SHA reference of a caller workflow

It is important that whenever you perform an update on a reusable workflow, you update the SHA reference from the caller workflow that uses it. That is the commit hash from the last commit that includes the changes made to the reusable workflow.

Inside your caller workflows, you reference the reusable workflow files from graasp-deploy by using the following syntax:


For more information see Why refer to a fixed workflow commit

Why use Github Actions

The use of Github Actions simplifies the automation process. Actions are similar to a plugin that comes bundled for every Github repository created, and that can execute any desired task.

Github Actions embrace five underlying concepts: jobs, workflows, events, actions and runners.

For more information see Github Docs "Understanding GitHub Actions".

Why use workflows

As stated in the Github Docs:

A workflow is a configurable automated process that will run one or more jobs. Workflows are defined by a YAML file checked in to your repository and will run when triggered by an event in your repository, or they can be triggered manually, or at a defined schedule.

Why use reusable workflows

As stated in the Github Docs:

The use of reusable workflows avoids duplication and makes workflows easier to maintain. This way workflows can be created more quickly.

The main goal for Graasp Deploy is to build up a library of reusable workflows that can be centrally maintained.

For more information see Github Docs "Reusing workflows".

Why refer to a fixed workflow commit

It is a good practice to specify exactly what commit you want to use, as it points to a specific version of the reusable workflow. Using the commit SHA is the safest for stability and security.

Therefore, it’s safer to use it like this so if there are changes on the main branch, the hash always points to the same file, and you never have to worry about the action changing or behaving differently.

How to solve Bad Credentials error

Every now and then, the given Personal Access Token expires. This token is used to dispatch an event to other repositories (eg. Graasp Deploy instructs Graasp Player to deploy to staging). Someone should create a new token and replace it in the organization's secrets.

Migrating to the new format (no .include)

jq '.include[] | {(.repository): (.tag)}' < stack-file.json | jq -s '. | add'