This package contains shared UI components.
Add the package:
yarn add @grafana/cloud-ui
import { Alert } from '@grafana/cloud-ui';
<Alert status="error">
Error when creating private data source connect
The table component has many options and is very generic by default, for full info on column definitions and table props see react-data-table docs.
import { Table, TableColumn, ExpanderComponentProps } from '@grafana/cloud-features'
// Config object is required for light/dark theme
import { config } from '@grafana/runtime'
interface MyDataType {
id: number,
name: string,
value: number
// Your data, each entry is a row in the table
const data: MyDataType[] = [
id: 1,
name: 'A',
value: '10'
id: 2,
name: 'B',
value: '15'
id: 3,
name: 'C',
value: '20'
// Column definition, see react-data-table-component docs for all options
const columns: Array<TableColumn<MyDataType>> = [
name: 'ID',
selector: (row: MyDataType) =>,
sortable: true,
name: 'Name',
selector: (row: MyDataType) =>,
sortable: true,
width: '100px',
name: 'Value',
selector: (row: MyDataType) => row.value,
sortable: true,
sortFunction: (a: MyDataType, b: MyDataType) => a.value - b.value,
// eslint-disable-next-line react/display-name
cell: (row: MyDataType) => (
Custom cell rendering here {row.value}
maxWidth: '300px',
// It is also sometimes helpful to make the column definition into a function if you need to pass additional information into the table columns
const columns = (hideCertainColumn: boolean) => {
return [
name: 'Conditional column',
selector: (row: SomeType) =>,
omit: hideCertainColumn
// Optional component for expandable table rows, data prop will have all fields in a row
const TableActions: React.FC<ExpanderComponentProps<MyDataType>> = ({ data }) => {
return (
<Button>Some extra actions here in expand row</Button>
{data.value} {}
// See Table.tsx for all possible props
name={'My awesome table'}
noDataText="No data found"
onRowClicked={(row) => {
// Navigate somewhere else on row click
// Any additional props to be included
dataTableProps={{ defaultSortFieldId: 3, defaultSortAsc: false }}