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Stéphane Letz edited this page Nov 1, 2023 · 37 revisions

Release guidelines


  • be sure to merge latest version of the Faust libraries


  • update the Documentation/faust-quick-reference.pdf to match included Faust version


  • a release is prepared from the master branch
  • use the version tool to raise version number
  • the 'APP_VERSION' flag in Build/CMakeLists.txt has to be raised with each release to create a new FaustLive-CurrentSession-XX cache folder
  • update changelog.txt file
  • create a tag (like 2.5.6-rc1) each time needed, and use the 2.5.6 tag for the final version

Building packages (before may 2023)

  • on macOS, use Build/make
  • on Windows (using Parallels VM):

be sure to synchronise the submodules (using "Submodule update" when synchronising with Tortoise Git).

suppress old Faust release install the Faust release (for all users) in command menu: Invite de commande 2017 « VS natif X64 » (see case 2)

in Build folder use Make.bat package win64 2017

Building packages (since may 2023)

  • the Windows release is now built using the all.yml GitHub action. The FAUSTLIVE_VERSION variable has to be updated, the links to access LLVM and Faust binaries packages will have to be adjusted.
  • since it is not yet codesigned/notarized, a x86-64 macOS version has to be manually built, to be used with Rosetta on Apple Silicon.
  • the Build/CMakeLists.txtfile has to be edited for compilation on Intel 10.13:
-       set (OSXTARGET 11)
+       set (OSXTARGET 10.11)
        set (CMAKE_C++_FLAGS -mmacosx-version-min=${OSXTARGET})
        set (CMAKE_LDFLAGS -mmacosx-version-min=${OSXTARGET})
  • and the FaustLive-x.y.z.tar.gz file has to be manually built (using make dist) and uploaded.