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Live template for CREATOR

Bradley Campbell edited this page Nov 27, 2016 · 6 revisions

Important: all information in this on this page is only relevant to PaperParcel 1.x. For information on the latest version of PaperParcel, visit

While it's nice that you don't have to write the implementation of the CREATOR field, it is still a little bit of boilerplate that you need to add it yourself. This is the perfect case for a Live Template.


  1. Open Preferences... -> Editor -> Live Templates

  2. Click '+' under 'Android'

  3. Under 'Abbreviation', type the keyword you want to use to create the CREATOR (e.g. 'creator')

  4. Under 'Description', type a message to help you remember what this command does (e.g. 'Create a PaperParcelable Creator instance')

  5. Type the following code into the template text:

    companion object {
       @JvmField val CREATOR = PaperParcelable.Creator($CLASS_NAME$
  6. Define the 'Applicable contexts' to 'Kotlin -> Class'

  7. Click 'Edit Variables'

  8. Under 'Expression' for CLASS_NAME, type kotlinClassName()

  9. Apply changes

Now you can simply type your keyword in your data class, press the Tab key, and you'll get an auto-complete box for class names so you can quickly type in the class name.

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