- Use Fauna database without FQL.
- Helper function: create, get, list, delete, rename: databases, collections, documents, indexes, keys without FQL.
- Auto migrate database with the appropriate collection and indexes.
- Mongo style query.
- Easy relationship with nested insert.
- Return with relationship (Coming Soon).
- Delete with relationship (Coming Soon).
npm install fauna_orm
yarn add fauna_orm
const faunaORM = require('fauna_orm ');
let orm = new faunaORM(schema, 'secret');
let NewSchema = {
Customer: {
fields: {
email: {
indexes: {
find: 'findByemail',
age: {
indexes: {
find: 'findByage',
range: 'rangeByage',
rangeAll: 'rangeByageAll',
gender: {
indexes: {
find: 'findBygender',
eyeColor: {
indexes: {
find: 'findByeyeColor',
isActive: {
indexes: {
find: 'findByisActive',
relations: {
addresses: {
collection: 'Address',
at: 'AddressToCustomer',
index: 'AddressRefByCustomerRef',
orders: {
collection: 'Order',
at: 'CustomerToOrder',
index: 'OrderRefByCustomerRef',
views: {},
AddressToCustomer: {
fields: {
fromRef: {
collection: 'Address',
indexes: {
find: 'AddressToCustomerRefByAddressRef',
relation: 'AddressRefByCustomerRef',
toRef: {
collection: 'Customer',
indexes: {
find: 'AddressToCustomerRefByCustomerRef',
relation: 'CustomerRefByAddressRef',
Address: {
fields: {
state: {
indexes: {
find: 'findByState',
country: {
indexes: {
find: 'findByCountry',
relations: {
customer: {
collection: 'Customer',
at: 'AddressToCustomer',
index: 'CustomerRefByAddressRef',
views: {},
CustomerToOrder: {
fields: {
fromRef: {
collection: 'Customer',
indexes: {
find: 'CustomerToOrderRefByCustomerRef',
relation: 'CustomerRefByOrderRef',
toRef: {
collection: 'Order',
indexes: {
find: 'CustomerToOrderRefByOrderRef',
relation: 'OrderRefByCustomerRef',
Order: {
fields: {
orderNumber: {
indexes: {
find: 'findByorderNumber',
range: null,
rangeAll: null,
orderDate: {
indexes: {
find: 'findByorderDate',
range: 'rangeByorderDate',
rangeAll: 'rangeByorderDateAll',
relations: {
customer: {
collection: 'Customer',
at: 'CustomerToOrder',
index: 'CustomerRefByOrderRef',
orderitems: {
collection: 'OrderItem',
at: 'OrderToOrderItem',
index: 'OrderItemRefByOrderRef',
views: {},
OrderToOrderItem: {
fields: {
fromRef: {
collection: 'Order',
indexes: {
find: 'OrderToOrderItemRefByOrderRef',
relation: 'OrderRefByOrderItemRef',
toRef: {
collection: 'OrderItem',
indexes: {
find: 'OrderToOrderItemRefByOrderItemRef',
relation: 'OrderItemRefByOrderRef',
OrderItem: {
fields: {
unitPrice: {
indexes: {
find: 'findByunitPrice',
range: 'rangeByunitPrice',
rangeAll: 'rangeByunitPriceAll',
quantity: {
indexes: {
find: 'findByquantity',
range: 'rangeByquantity',
rangeAll: 'rangeByquantityAll',
relations: {
order: {
collection: 'Order',
at: 'OrderToOrderItem',
index: 'OrderRefByOrderItemRef',
product: {
collection: 'Product',
at: 'OrderItemToProduct',
index: 'ProductRefByOrderItemRef',
views: {},
OrderItemToProduct: {
fields: {
fromRef: {
collection: 'OrderItem',
indexes: {
find: 'OrderItemToProductRefByOrderItemRef',
relation: 'OrderItemRefByProductRef',
toRef: {
collection: 'Product',
indexes: {
find: 'OrderItemToProductRefByProductRef',
relation: 'ProductRefByOrderItemRef',
Product: {
fields: {
unitPrice: {
indexes: {
find: 'findByProductunitPrice',
range: 'rangeByProductunitPrice',
rangeAll: 'rangeByProductunitPriceAll',
productName: {
indexes: {
find: 'findByproductName',
range: null,
rangeAll: null,
relations: {
orderitems: {
collection: 'OrderItem',
at: 'OrderItemToProduct',
index: 'OrderItemRefByProductRef',
supplier: {
collection: 'Supplier',
at: 'ProductToSupplier',
index: 'SupplierRefByProductRef',
views: {},
ProductToSupplier: {
fields: {
fromRef: {
collection: 'Supplier',
indexes: {
find: 'ProductToSupplierRefBySupplierRef',
relation: 'SupplierRefByProductRef',
toRef: {
collection: 'Product',
indexes: {
find: 'ProductToSupplierRefByProductRef',
relation: 'ProductRefBySupplierRef',
Supplier: {
fields: {},
relations: {
products: {
collection: 'Product',
at: 'ProductToSupplier',
index: 'ProductRefBySupplierRef',
views: {},
let query = orm.transform();
//Simple equal satement single parameter, return ref
let filter = {
email: "grayburt@exosis.com",
gender {
$eq: "female"
isActive: {
$ne: true
date: {
$range: [3245235234, 34532452345]
country: {
$nin: ['Mexico', "Canada", "England"]
$and: [{
age: {
$lte: 10
age: {
$gte: 50
or: [{
eyeColor: "green",
eyeColor: "brown",
not: [{
state: "New York",
state: "California",
//Return refs
let query = orm.collection('COLLECTION_NAME')
//Return full documents
let query = orm.collection('COLLECTION_NAME')
//Limit to 20.
//Return full documents.
let query = orm.collection('COLLECTION_NAME')
//Limit to 20.
//Return full documents.
let query = orm.collection('COLLECTION_NAME')
//Simple equal satement single parameter, return full documents
let query = orm.collection('COLLECTION_NAME')
let insertDocument = {
firstname: 'Santino',
lastname: 'Ortiz',
email: 'Gunnerfffffghhgg22.Gleichner@gmail.com',
age: 14,
gender: 'female',
isActive: true,
phone: '18802876350',
address: {
create: {
street: '6245 Rohan Extension',
street2: 'Suite 101',
state: 'Pakistan',
city: 'Western Sahara',
country: 'Madagascar',
orders: {
create: {
orderdate: '1972-11-04T15:45:00.266Z',
ordernumber: '5e71407b0fdab829807727f0',
totalamount: 3424.67,
orderitems: {
create: [{
unitprice: 21.69,
quantity: 65,
product: {
connect: {
id: '5350192081779138715',
unitprice: 231.69,
quantity: 4,
product: {
connect: {
id: '32524523452345325345',
unitprice: 651.69,
quantity: 34,
product: {
connect: {
id: '3453245324532453245345',
let insert = orm2
//create database
let query = orm.database('DATABASE_NAME')
//list all databases Refs
let query = orm.database()
//list all database document
let query = orm.database()
//get single database
let query = orm.database("DATABASE_NAME")
//rename single database
let query = orm.database("OLD_DATABASE_NAME")
//delete database
let query = orm.database("DATABASE_NAME")
//annotate database
let query = orm.database("DATABASE_NAME")
key: "value"
//create key
let query = orm.key()
//list all key Refs
let query = orm.key()
//list all key documents
let query = orm.key()
//get key from secret
let query = orm.key()
//get single key
let query = orm.key("KEY_ID")
//delete key
let query = orm.key("KEY_ID")
//create collection
let query = orm.collection('COLLECTION_NAME')
//update collection
let query = orm.collection('COLLECTION_NAME')
name: name,
ttl_days: ttl_days,
history_days: history_days,
data: data,
permissions: permissions
//list all collection Refs
let query = orm.collection()
//list all collection Documents
let query = orm.collection()
//get single collection
let query = orm.collection("COLLECTION_NAME")
//rename single collection
let query = orm.collection("OLD_COLLECTION_NAME")
//delete collection
let query = orm.collection("COLLECTION_NAME")
//create document
let query = orm.collection("COLLECTION_NAME")
foo: "bar"
//create document with id
let query = orm.collection("COLLECTION_NAME")
foo: "bar"
//create many document
let query = orm.collection("COLLECTION_NAME")
foo: "bar"
}, {
baz: "faz"
//list all document
let query = orm.collection("COLLECTION_NAME")
//get single document
let query = orm.collection("COLLECTION_NAME")
//update single collection
let query = orm.collection("COLLECTION_NAME")
.update('DOCUMENT_ID', {
foo: "bar"
//replace single document
let query = orm.collection("COLLECTION_NAME")
.replace('DOCUMENT_ID', {
foo: "bar"
//delete document
let query = orm.collection("COLLECTION_NAME")
// create index
let query = orm.index('INDEX_NAME')
//create index with terms
let query = orm.index('INDEX_NAME')
.create("COLLECTION_NAME", ["email", "name", "address.city"])
//create index with terms, ref and ts
let query = orm.index('INDEX_NAME')
.create("COLLECTION_NAME", ["email", "ref", "ts"])
//create index with values
let query = orm.index('INDEX_NAME')
.create("COLLECTION_NAME", null, ["email", "name", "address.city"])
//create index with values, ref, ts
let query = orm.index('INDEX_NAME')
.create("COLLECTION_NAME", null, ["email", "ref", "ts"])
//create unique index
let query = orm.index('INDEX_NAME')
.create('collection', "email", null, true)
//list all collection
let query = orm.index().all().run();
//get single collection
let query = orm.index("INDEX_NAME")
// rename single index
let query = orm.index("INDEX_NAME")
// delete index
let query = orm.index("INDEX_NAME")
- faunadb