Koa middleware to uglify javascript. Inspired by express-uglify
It automatically uglifies every javascript file served. A basic cache functions to cut down on load time.
npm install koa-uglify2
var koa = require('koa');
var app = koa();
var uglify = require('koa-uglify2');
src: 'public/'
You can also create regex rules to uglify files that are not served statically.
src: 'public/',
rules: {
'google/jquery.js': /^\/.{3}\/regexExample\.js$/
This rule will serve public/google/jquery.js to any request that matches the regex, for example: GET /123/regexExample.js
. File-level regex needs to end with \.js$/
As well, you can designate a directory-level rule to match all javascript files in the folder.
rules: {
'admin-files/': /^\/.{5}\//
This rule will serve admin-files/*.js to, for example: GET /12345/testFile.js