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Sample project demonstrating reliable webrtc connection on iOS device


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WebRTC iOS VideoChat

This is an example implementation of iOS WebRTC video VideoChat.

Video chat diagram

Establishing WebRTC connection consists of multiple asynchronous steps where data is exchanged over the network:

Error handling and connection reset is tricky and can result in callback hell.

The project presents:

  • approach to establishing a reliable WebRTC connection every time two peers try to connect to each other.
  • error handling and reliable connection reset

Technologies used:

Core algorithm

Two peers connecting to each other are called: host and guest. Core algorithm consists of two main steps:

  • SDP exchange
  • ICE candidates exchange

Each step has a timeout associated to it - if the step is not completed within the timeframe the whole flow is reset. The flow can also be reset due to peer clearing it's connection data (SDP, ICE candidates) on signaling server. Clearing connection data is done in the outer connection loop. This could happen e.g. due to connection timeout.

flowchart TD
    A[SDP exchange] -->|SDP exchange timeout| B{Timeout?}
    B -->|Reset connection| S
    A --> C{Is host?}
    C --> D[SDP offer]
    D -->|Wait for guest SDP| O(SDP received)
    A --> E{Is guest?}
    E -->|Wait for host SDP| F[SDP received]
    F --> G[SDP answer]
    G --> H[SDP Exchanged]
    O --> H
    H -->|Candidates exchange timeout| I{Timeout?}
    I -->|Reset connection|S
    H -->J[Exchange candidates]
       M -->N[Connected]
    H -->|Check if peer data removed|K{Peer reset?}
    K -->|Reset connection|S
    H -->|Check connection error|L{Error}
    L -->|Reset connection|S
    H -->M{Connected?}

Implemented WebRTC connection algorithm

try await withThrowingTaskGroup(of: Void.self) { group in
    group.addTask {
        if let rtcSessionDescription = try await signalingClient.getRTCSessionDescriptions(
        ).first(where: { _ in true }) {
            try await webRTCClient.set(remoteSdp: rtcSessionDescription)
   = "Remote SDP set"
            if currentPeer == .guest {
                let sdp = try await webRTCClient.answer()
                try await signalingClient.send(sdp: sdp, chatRoomId: chatRoomId, collection: currentPeer.sendKey)
       = "SDP answer sent"
    if currentPeer == .host {
        group.addTask {
            let sdp = try await webRTCClient.offer()
            try await signalingClient.send(sdp: sdp, chatRoomId: chatRoomId, collection: currentPeer.sendKey)
   = "SDP offer sent"
    group.addTask {
        for _ in 1...40 {
            if webRTCClient.isRemoteDescriptionSet {
            try await Task.sleep(milliseconds: 100)
        } = "Connection timeout"
        throw connectionError.connectionTimeoutError
    try await group.waitForAll()
} = "RTC exchanged"
try await withThrowingTaskGroup(of: Void.self) { group in
    group.addTask {
        for try await candidate in signalingClient.getCandidates(currentPeer.watchKey, chatRoomId) {
            try await webRTCClient.set(remoteCandidate: candidate)
        } = "Candidates set"
    group.addTask {
        for await state in webRTCClient.getConnectionState() where state == .failed {
   = "Connection failed"
            throw connectionError.connectionFailed
    group.addTask {
        try await Task.sleep(seconds: 15)
        if connectionStateContainer.state != .connected {
   = "Connection timeout"
            throw connectionError.connectionTimeoutError
    group.addTask {
        // peer has deleted sdp and candidates - reset connection
        try await signalingClient.waitUntilSdpAndCandidatesDeleted(
            collection: currentPeer.watchKey,
            chatRoomId: chatRoomId) = "Peer connection reset"
        throw connectionError.connectionReset
    try await group.waitForAll()

Content of WebRTC connection loop

Signaling server

Unfortunately, WebRTC can't create connections without some sort of server in the middle. We call this the signal channel or signaling service. It's any sort of channel of communication to exchange information before setting up a connection, whether by email, postcard, or a carrier pigeon. It's up to you.

    participant Host
    participant Firebase
    Host->>Firebase: Create a chat channel
    Host->>Firebase: SDP offer
    Firebase->>Guest: SDP offer
    Guest->>Firebase: SDP answer
    Firebase->>Host: SDP answer
    Host->>Firebase: ICE candidate (Host)
    Firebase->>Guest: ICE candidate (Host)
    Guest->>Firebase: ICE candidate (Guest)
    Firebase->>Host: ICE candidate (Guest)

Firebase as signaling server

Unit tests

Project contains multiple unit tests:

  • testSimultaneousConnection()
  • testGuestConnectingFirst()
  • testHostConnectingFirst()
  • testHostDisconnected()
  • testGuestDisconnected()
  • testRandomConnectionScheme()
private func simulateConnection(
    _ chatRoomId: String,
    guestDelaySec: Int = 0,
    hostDelaySec: Int = 0) async
    let guestWebRTCManager = WebRTCManager()
    let hostWebRTCManager = WebRTCManager()
    let t = Task {
        try await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: 1_000_000_000 * UInt64(guestDelaySec))
        await guestWebRTCManager.retryConnect(
            chatRoomId: chatRoomId,
            currentPeer: WebRTCManager.peer.guest
    let t2 = Task {
        try await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: 1_000_000_000 * UInt64(hostDelaySec))
        await hostWebRTCManager.retryConnect(
            chatRoomId: chatRoomId,
    let t3 = Task {
        for await connectionState in guestWebRTCManager.connectionState {
            if connectionState == .connected {
    let t4 = Task {
        for await connectionState in hostWebRTCManager.connectionState {
            if connectionState == .connected {
    await t3.value
    await t4.value

Function used to simulate simultaneous connection

Setup guide

  • Create a new Firebase project
  • Add iOS app to the newly created Firebase project
  • Download GoogleService-Info.plist and put it into VideoChat directory of the project
  • Create Cloud Firestore database (Test mode) in Firebase Console


App crashes reporting deadlock - experienced on XCode 15, iOS 17 emulators.

There is no camera on emulator. Try running app on your phone and Mac (MacOS designed for iPad).



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