Broadcasting mad GRB vibes to your earholes... well your phone holes. Thanks to amazing era of multi-messenger astronomy, the original GCN system's email distribution has made my email useless for following GRB alerts. Thus, I made this little tool to bump things to telegram thanks to the pygcn package.
grbfunk is highly customized for what I want to see, but feel free to use it as your own model.
pip install grbfunk
Note that this will not work out of the box as it looks for a telegram bot token and chat_id to transmit the messages. Of course, you do not have to use the software this way as it can serve as a clean wrapper around GRB notifications or as a backend pipeline. However if you desire to use it as is, you need a telegram bot and then:
$> mkdir ~/.grbfunk
$> cd ~./grbfunk
$> touch access.yaml
$> emacs access.yaml
<your bot token>
<your chat_id>
Note: if you do not use emacs this will still work. Unless you use vim. You should never do that.
Then you can simply run
$> grbfunk
and this will listen for GRB alerts and broadcast their funk to telegram.