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This library helps you easily create a С++ server endpoint to receive WhatsApp message webhooks.


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whatsapp-api-webhook-server-cpp — webhook server for integration with WhatsApp Messenger using the API service You should get a registration token and an account ID in your personal cabinet. There is a free developer account tariff.


The documentation for webhooks could be find here. The app is a handler for it, so the documentation at the link above also applies.

Receiving Webhook Token

To receive a Webhook Token and be able to send requests into this server, the WhatsApp account in the phone app must be authorized. To authorize the account, go to your cabinet and scan the QR code using the WhatsApp app.

Building the app

This app uses C++ 17, CMake 3.5, supports Linux (GCC) and Windows (Visual Studio 2019/2022) compilers.

Before building you should create this file (or copy existing one if you have it):

  • source/user_adapter.cpp

If you don't have required file, create it by renaming with removing underscore from source/_user_adapter.cpp file.

We will update include/user_adapter.h and source/_user_adapter.cpp files as new webhooks are released. If you encountered build error, which tells compiler could not find required functions from user_adapter, please add new functions from source/_user_adapter.cpp to yours source/user_adapter.cpp.

This project will not build if you won't do it.


To build the app you need:

  • git - a cross-platform utility used on this project for downloading libraries.

  • CMake - a cross-platform utility for automatically building software from source code.

  • Compiler Microsoft Visual C++ (MSVC) for C++ applications.

cmake and git must be accessible by PATH.

Building is done by using the build.bat scenario (or .\build.bat if Powershell used):

git clone --branch=master --depth=1
cd whatsapp-api-webhook-server-cpp

Application is built at Release config by default. Config file config.json and directory jsonSchema are copied to build\bin directory. The application prioritize build\bin files over project's directory.

After successful build you can build it using build.bat or

cmake --build build --config=Release

Run the application:

start build\bin\whatsapp-api-webhook-server-cpp.exe

Server exposes port from config.json configuration (by default: 5000). Detailed configuration description available here.


To build the app you need git, g++, cmake:

sudo apt-get install git g++ cmake

cmake and git must be accessible by bash.

Building is done by using the scenario:

git clone --branch=master --depth=1
cd whatsapp-api-webhook-server-cpp

Application is built at Release config by default. Config file config.json and directory jsonSchema are copied to build/bin directory. The application will prioritize build/bin files over project's directory.

After successful build you can build it using .\ or

cmake --build build --config=Release

Run the application:


Server exposes port from config.json configuration (by default: 5000). Detailed configuration description available here.


To run this project with Docker, you need Docker and Docker Compose.

You can install Docker Desktop for all platforms or install Docker Engine for Linux.

Clone the repository:

git clone --branch=master --depth=1
cd whatsapp-api-webhook-server-cpp

Before running Docker you should create this file (or copy existing one if you have it):

  • source/user_adapter.cpp

If you don't have required file, create it by renaming with removing underscore from source/_user_adapter.cpp file.

We will update include/user_adapter.h and source/_user_adapter.cpp files as new webhooks are released. If you encountered build error, which tells compiler could not find required functions from user_adapter, please add new functions from source/_user_adapter.cpp to yours source/user_adapter.cpp.

By default, port 5000 is exposed. If you would like to change it, you need:

  • Change Address field in config.json to your desired port;

  • Change ports field in docker-compose.yaml to your desired port;

Run Docker image with Docker Compose. Use flag --build, if you are running this container first time or project files have been changed:

docker compose up --build

Server will be started after building automatically. Detailed configuration description available here.

Running the app

The application binary is placed in build/bin/.

This project use config.json to set these variables:

  • Address (default: :5000). Server will be launched on this port. Requests should be sent to this port. Instance setup;

  • Pattern (default: /). Part of URI after port: "Address""Pattern". All requests sent to wrong Pattern will be rejected. By default server will handle requests on URI = localhost:5000/. Instance setup;

  • WebhookToken (default: none). Authorization token, must be equal to a token declared in your green-api instance (none dy default). Instance setup;

  • LogToFile (default: false). Defines the creation logger of a file and writing logs to it by program. Available values: true, false.

  • LogToConsole (default: false). Defines writing logs into console by program. Available values: true, false.

  • LoggerFilename (default: log.txt). Filename for logger's file.

After starting the application, a server using values from config will be started. If no config exists, default values will be used.

You can use Postman collection for server testing.

User Adapter

For specifing user-defined functions when a notification received use user_adapter files. In these files you should define notifications handlers (for example: write notification into database, send request to other microservice). Template file source/_user_adapter.cpp can be used by it's renaming. Handler examples for all notification type are available in file user_adapter_example.cpp in directory examples.

The user adapter located in:

  • sources/user_adapter.cpp

If you don't have required file, create it by renaming with removing underscore from source/_user_adapter.cpp file.

We will update include/user_adapter.h and source/_user_adapter.cpp files as new webhooks are released. If you encountered build error, which tells compiler could not find required functions from user_adapter, please add new functions from source/_user_adapter.cpp to yours source/user_adapter.cpp.

User Adapter contains your handlers for incoming webhooks. It works according to the following algorithm:

  1. Request to the server is received by webhook class;

  2. webhook class creates Response object and transmits request body to the validator class;

  3. After validation, Response object transmits into UserAdapter handler, based on request's body webToken;

  4. User Adapter function returns true if error or false if no error. Based on this value, server will return 200 OK or 400 Bad Request status.

The structure of Response object (response.h):

struct Response {
    bool error = true; // true if incoming webhook failed to validate
    std::string typeWebhook = ""; // webhookType taken from request body
    std::string bodyStr = "";  // contains request body if error = false, otherwise contains validation error description
    nlohmann::json bodyJson = ""; //  body of incoming request
  1. UserAdapter function defines as:
static bool onWebhookType(greenapi::Response& body);
  1. UserAdapter function example:

In this example, handler will be called by webhook with type IncomingMessageReceived. Using the structure Response above, you could check for validate of request (body.error), work with webhook json structure (body.bodyJson) or get access to webhook raw body (body.bodyStr).

bool UserAdapter::onIncomingMessageReceived(greenapi::Response& body) {
    // Every request contains typeWebhook. Requests are rejected, if no typeWebhook given.
    const auto typeWebhook = body.bodyJson["typeWebhook"];

    // If you encountered errors while hanlding, you should return true.
    // It will change response status to 400 Bad Request with immediate return of the HTTP request result
    // if (<error>) {
    //    return true;

    greenapi::Logger::Log("Received webhook: " + nlohmann::to_string(typeWebhook) + std::string(" with body: ") + body.bodyStr, "info");

    // Write your handler here:

    // Return false if no error, after this 200 OK response will be returned
    return false;


Examples are available in user_adapter_example.cpp.

JSON Validation

JSON schemas for webhooks validation are placed in jsonSchema directory and copied to build directory while running build script. You could add any .json files to build/bin/jsonSchema, they will be loaded into a program while it starting.

JSON schemas have this structure:

  "$id": "schemas",
  "$schema": "",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "yourNameOfObject": {
      "$schema": "",
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "sampleField": {
          "type": "string"
        "sampleRef_Field": {
          "$ref": "#/properties/commonSchemaComponents/properties/senderData"
      "required": [
      "additionalProperties": true
    "yourOtherObject": {

To make your .json file working, any .json file should contain only one object with "properties". All to-be-validated objects should be on "properties" object. Otherwise, your json file will be ignored.

Webhooks documentation

Library dependencies


Licences under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0) . LICENSE.