An autohooks plugin for python code formatting via black.
You can install the latest stable release of autohooks-plugin-black from the Python Package Index using pip:
python3 -m pip install autohooks-plugin-black
It is highly encouraged to use poetry for maintaining your project's dependencies. Normally autohooks-plugin-black is installed as a development dependency.
poetry add --dev autohooks-plugin-black
To activate the black autohooks plugin please add the following setting to your pyproject.toml file.
pre-commit = [""]
By default, autohooks plugin black checks all files with a .py ending. If only files in a sub-directory or files with different endings should be formatted, just add the following setting:
pre-commit = [""]
include = ['foo/*.py', '*.foo']
Also by default, autohooks plugin black executes black with the -q
If e.g. the generated patch should be shown the following setting can be used:
pre-commit = [""]
arguments = ["-q", "--diff"]
This project is maintained by Greenbone AG.
Your contributions are highly appreciated. Please create a pull request on GitHub. Bigger changes need to be discussed with the development team via the issues section at GitHub first.
Copyright (C) 2019-2023 Greenbone AG
Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 or later.