Green Screens JT400 Extension Pack - is a module on top of JT400 improving usage of JT400 ProgramCall class by helping to map IBM i program parameters and response formats.
We were not happy with PCML approach as neither with writing a lot of manual specific code required for calling IBM i program, so we developed our own engine based on Java Dynamic Proxy and InvocationHandler technology.
Instead of writing large XML mapping file or writing a lot of boilerplate code, imagine you can do something like this...
final QDCRDEVD params =, "QPADEV0001");
final IQDCRDEVD program = IQDCRDEVD.create(as400);
final DEVD0100 res =, DEVD0100.class);
For more info about library, check out our blog here.
© Green Screens Ltd. 2016 - 2021