Magento Widget extension add some useful features to the Magento_Widget module
- Multiple select for products and categories,
- Create app\etc\modules\Manners_widgets.xml
- Set codePool as community
- Set depends on
- Mage_Adminhtml
- Mage_Widgets
- Create app\code\community\Manners\Widgets\etc\config.xml
- Define blocks and helpers to use "manners_widgets"
- Create app\code\community\Manners\Widgets\etc\widget.xml
- Define widget "manners_widgets_products"
- Set type and module
- Give and name and description,
- Set the parameter prodct_ids with a helper block "manners_widgets/catalog_product_widget_chooser"
- Set the use_massaction as true
- Define widget "manners_widgets_products"
- Create app\code\community\Manners\Widgets\Block\Catalog\Product\Widget\Chooser.php
- Extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Catalog_Product_Widget_Chooser
- Update the function prepareElementHtml
- Check for config value "use_massaction" and update the source url of the chooser block
- Create app\code\community\Manners\Widgets\Helper\Data.php
- Extends Mage_Core_Helper_Abstract