This project is a Chrome-browser extension that replicates two similar Chrome bugs:
- navigator.sendBeacon web requests should be accounted to the originating frame(id)
- window.onunload 'beacon' web requests should be accounted to the originating frame(id)
To replicate the bugs:
- Download this extension (git clone..)
- Load this extension into Chrome using chrome://extensions/
- Take a note of the extension id
- For each bug, the extension contains a web-page that replicates it. Load each page in a new Chrome tab, and follow the instructions:
- navigator.sendBeacon: chrome-extension://INSERT-EXTENSIONID-HERE/beacon-test.html
- window.onload beacon: chrome-extension://INSERT-EXTENSIONID-HERE/onunload-beacon-test.html
Sure. The problem is that Chrome does not account asynchronously-made beacon web-requests to the web-page that actually made the call. This can be seen when using the chrome.webRequest API, which lets extensions observe/intercept web-requests: the tabId+frameId of the intercepted beacon web-request do not match the tabId+frameId of the web-page that actually made the call.
For example, using this demonstration extension, we loaded chrome-extension://INSERT-EXTENSIONID-HERE/beacon-test.html and saw in the extension's console:
Seen web request for: chrome-extension://empbiabaidecimmlofaoeafoefnfnmae/beacon-test.html
tabId=[57] frameId=[0]
Seen web request for:
tabId=[-1] frameId=[-2]
The first web request is the demo-page loaded in a Chrome tab. The second web request is a navigator.sendBeacon call made from that page (to a random wikipedia image).
Note that the tabId+frameId of the beacon call (-1 and -2) do not match that of the web-page call (57 and 0). This is the bug.
The same problem can be seen when a 'beacon'-style web-request is made using the window.onunload img.src hack. We loaded chrome-extension://INSERT-EXTENSIONID-HERE/beacon-test.html and saw:
Seen web request for: chrome-extension://empbiabaidecimmlofaoeafoefnfnmae/onunload-beacon-test.html
tabId=[68] frameId=[0]
Seen web request for:
tabId=[-1] frameId=[-2]
Same bug: the tabId+frameId of the 'beacon' window.onunload img.src web-request don't match that of the originating page.