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Greg Malcolm edited this page Jun 23, 2016 · 2 revisions

With filtering:

Currently stars are imported from the "Monster" Distant Worlds spreadsheet's Systems page using an assumption that the primary star is "" for single star systems or "A" for multi-star systems.

Only one record is kept per star, the record is shared by commanders. The last commander to update is the "updater" field. If it's imported from the monster spread sheet it'll be "DW Spreadsheet"

Delete requests will only be accepted when received from the original creator.


Add filters on the GET "index" round as querystring params in the url:


  • page
  • system
  • star
  • updater
  • creator
  • updated_before
  • updated_after


Use sort (column name) and direction (asc or desc). Eg:


Notes / Updates

  • Application users (EDDiscovery) must submit a "user" root level param so we can descern if the request is legal for updates or deletes.
  • System name changes (other than case changes) are not supported. To change a system name apply the change to the the new parent system resource.