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Magic Mirror Module displaying the current level of vigilance of weather phenomena in metropolitan france


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Module: MMM-VigilanceMeteoFrance

This module displays the current level of vigilance of weather phenomena set by Météo France for each department of metropolitan france, including description and the associated risks. A notification is displayed in case of a change in the level of vigilance or new risks.

Description, Risk legend and Color Legend display may be enabled or disabled independently. The max-width of the description can be fixed. Notifications can be disabled.

MMM-VigilanceMeteoFrance Screenshot #1 MMM-VigilanceMeteoFrance Screenshot #2 MMM-VigilanceMeteoFrance Screenshot #3

MagicMirror² Project on Github | Vigilance on Météo France | APIs on Météo France

⚠️ MMM-VigilanceMeteoFrance 2.2 (January 2024) uses the simplified authentication system from Météo France. A single Application ID is now required instead of 2 keys for the module to work, please update your conifguration! More info below


In your terminal, go to your MagicMirror's Module folder:

cd ~/MagicMirror/modules

Clone this repository:

git clone

Go to your MMM-VigilanceMeteoFrance's Module folder:

cd ~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-VigilanceMeteoFrance

Install dependencies:

npm install

Configure the module in your config.js file.


In your terminal, go to your MMM-VigilanceMeteoFrance's Module folder:

cd ~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-VigilanceMeteoFrance

Incorporate changes from this repository:

git pull

Install dependencies:

npm install


Basic configuration

To use this module, add it to the modules array in the config/config.js file:

modules: [
		module: "MMM-VigilanceMeteoFrance",
		position: "top_left",
		config: {
			appid: "WkU5X0NvWDRKODJ2THE0OUw1b2FyVEN0OFdZYTpla3hQb1ZqMmRQaXJ3c0pYcnNzRUFZM1kxUnNh", // Météo France Application ID
			department: 75, // Department number

Application ID

You can use this appid, but the limitation of 60 requests/minute is shared with all users: WkU5X0NvWDRKODJ2THE0OUw1b2FyVEN0OFdZYTpla3hQb1ZqMmRQaXJ3c0pYcnNzRUFZM1kxUnNh

It's therefore recommended to use your own appid! To obtain this, please follow these steps:

  • Log in or create an account on the Météo France API portal
  • Subscribe to Vigilance API
  • Go to Générer Token tab: User icon (top right) > Mes API > Choose an api > Générer Token
  • Check that OAuth2 is selected (default choice)
  • Extract YOUR_OWN_APP_ID from curl's command: curl -k -X POST -d "grant_type=client_credentials" -H "Authorization: Basic YOUR_OWN_APP_ID"

Screenshot here and More info here


The following properties can be configured:

Option Description
appid The Météo France Application ID, which can be obtained by following the steps above. It's free!

This value is REQUIRED
department The department number (metropolitan france only).

This value is REQUIRED
excludedRisks The table of excluded risks (see below for the identifiers to be used).

Use with caution (some risks that may be important will not be displayed)
Default value: [] (any)
updateInterval How often does the content needs to be fetched? (Milliseconds)

Possible values: 1000 - 86400000
Default value: 1 * 60 * 60 * 1000 (1 hour)
animationSpeed Speed of the update animation. (Milliseconds)

Possible values:0 - 5000
Default value: 1000 (1 second)
notificationDuration Time to display notification. (Milliseconds)

Possible values:1000 - 86400000
Default value: 1 * 60 * 1000 (1 minute)
maxTextWidth Maximum width for desription display. If set to 0, there is no limit. (Pixels)

Possible values:0 - 5000
Default value: 0 (no limit)
maxRisksInline Maximum number of risks displayed on the same line. If set to 0, there is no limit.

Possible values:0 - 9
Default value: 3
showDepartment Show the department name.

Possible values: true or false
Default value: false
showDescription Show the description.

Possible values: true or false
Default value: false
showRiskLegend Show the risk legend.

Possible values: true or false
Default value: true
showForecast Show the future level of vigilance.

Possible values: true or false
Default value: false
showNotification Show notification (level of vigilance change or new risks).

Possible values: true or false
Default value: true
hideGreenLevel Hide module when vigilance level is green.

Possible values: true or false
Default value: false
useColorLegend Use the colored icons.

Possible values: true or false
Default value: true
initialLoadDelay The initial delay before loading. If you have multiple modules that use the same API key, you might want to delay one of the requests. (Milliseconds)

Possible values: 1000 - 5000
Default value: 0
oauthEndpoint The Météo France Oauth2 endPoint.

Default value: ''
vigiEndpoint The Vigilance API endPoint.

Default value: ''
frenchDepartmentsTable The conversion table to convert the department number to department name.

Identifants used for risks in excludedRisks:

Id Risk
1 Vent
2 Pluie-Inondation
3 Orages
4 Inondation
5 Neige
6 Canicule
7 Grand Froid
8 Avalanches
9 Vagues-Submersion

For example:

  • If you don’t want to see avalanche risks : excludedRisks: [8],
  • If you don’t want to see the risks of heat wave and extreme cold : excludedRisks: [6, 7],

Integration with other modules

The following notifications can be used by other modules:

Action Notification Payload
Change the vigilance department VIGI_METEOFRANCE_DEPARTMENT The department number

For example, use this.sendNotification("VIGI_METEOFRANCE_DEPARTMENT", 75); if you want to change department number so that it corresponds to that of Paris (75).


  • Hide, if you want, the module when vigilance level is green.
  • Display, if you want, the department name.
  • Manage risks at different levels in the same department.
  • Display an notification at the start of the MagicMirror in case of vigilance level 2 to 4.
  • Display an notification in case of new risk.


To test the new features, you can use the testing branch:

  • Change from master version to testing version: git checkout testing
  • Return to master version from testing version: git checkout master
  • Check the version used: git branch -v


This module is licensed under the MIT License


Magic Mirror Module displaying the current level of vigilance of weather phenomena in metropolitan france




