npm install
to install dependencies
npm run dev
to runnpm test
to run the tests
- added form with search bar and 2 buttons
- refactored to reduce uneeded code by creating the target elements and listeners for them
- added the event listener and handler for button search
- added the event listener and handler for feeling lucky
- fixed the query formating that send request to the server
- refactored event handlers to include smaller reusable functions
- function to get the result data
- function to create the result list
- function to create the formated one result sample and append it to the view
- cleanup of the file
- static file
- client sends incorrectly formatted keyword as aquery to the server
- content from old search needs to be destoryed on new search
- long load times - confusing - should tell user that query is running !
- does not identify listeners
- does not remove previous search results so new search results are not displayed
- flex layout causes content to shift off left of screen on window resize
- flex flow causes unpleasant break up of content when search alligned to top of screen
- upon search button pressing send request to the server with search keyword
- feeling lucky button:
- pass the keyword
- then generate random index for the search result
- select and redirect to the result with randomIndex
- search area that hides
- add logo
- x in search bar to clear content on click
- style the buttons
- format the output of the query
- responsive design!
- some issues with content width being more uniform
- footer
- add search info text between search bar and results like google has
- Create review branch
- README file
- Boiler plate of the project
- Create the static data to develop the client side without consuming API requests
- Hook the event handlers to send query to the server instead of static data
- use function from server or add the logic to return only 10 results
- Create review branch
- README file
- Boiler plate of the project
- Create the static data to develop the client side without consuming API requests
- Hook the event handlers to send query to the server instead of static data
- use function from server or add the logic to return only 10 results