This repo contains a set of docker files to create a docker image to run the Cryptomator cli within Docker. The Cryptomator-cli application shares a local Cryptmator vault over an TLS protected webdav share.
Set your cryptomator vault password, either by setting the CRYPTOMATOR_VAULT_PASS variable in .env
, or writing it to a file named vault.pass
in the root of the repo.
# Copy the `sample.env` file to `.env`
cp sample.env .env
# Update `.env` file with your local settings
# Either set CRYPTOMATOR_VAULT_PASS in .env or write password to a file named 'vault.pass'
# Run the image using docker-compose
docker-compose up cryptomator-webdav
# The vault will be accessible on the docker host machine on the port specified in the .env file
By default the cryptomator vault will be available over webdav at webdavs://
, using a self-signed certificate, with no username or password on the webdav share.
If you wish to be able to access the vault over the the docker host's external IPs, update CRYPTOMATOR_HOST in .env
to either (all ips), or a specific docker host IP.
This docker image is setup to drop privileges to a userID and groupID specified in the Environment Variables. This is to aid running under appliance style OS's such as Unraid, where all containers are run as root by default. Dropping privileges within the container ensures Cryptomator only has access to the userID and groupID specified in the CRYPTOMATOR_UID and CRYPTOMATOR_GID environment variables.
Ensure that your local Cryptomator vault files are read and writable by the user selected.
# Change all files to be owned by userID/groupID 1000
chown -R 1000:1000 /path/to/cryptomator/vault
# Change all vault files are only readable and writable by the user
chmod -R u+rwX,g-rwx,o-rwx /path/to/cryptomator/vault
# .env file
# CRYPTOMATOR_VAULT_SRC_PATH: The location of the local, encrypted Cryptomator files
# CRYPTOMATOR_VAULT_PASS: The cryptomator password to unencrypt the vault
# Or CRYPTOMATOR_VAULT_PASSFILE: The path to a local password file
# Note: CRYPTOMATOR_VAULT_PASSFILE takes precidence
# CRYPTOMATOR_HOST: The ip the container should attach to, by default
# Set to if you are happy having the webdav share accessible to the docker host's external IPs
# CRYPTOMATOR_PORT: The port the webdav share will be shared on outside the container, used in docker-compose when running the container
# CRYPTOMATOR_UID: The user ID cryptomator should run as
# CRYPTOMATOR_GID: The group ID cryptomator should run as
# CRYPTOMATOR_UMASK: The umask to create new file as, the default only allows access by owner
If you have a trusted certificate you with to use for the TLS layer, you can bind mount it over the top of the self signed cert within the image.
Add the following line under the Volumes entry within the docker-compose.yml file:
# Volumes:
- /path/to/local/signed/cert.pem::/etc/stunnel/stunnel.pem:ro
This will force the internal stunnel TLS wrapper to use your own signed cert in place of it's own self-signed one.
# Clone the repo
git clone
cd cryptomator-webdav
# Copy the `sample.env` file to `.env`
cp sample.env .env
# Build the docker image using docker-compose
docker-compose build cryptomator-webdav
# Image will be built as greycubesgav/cryptomator-webdav
To upgrade to a newer version of cryptomator-cli within the docker image:
- Download the new .jar from the cryptomator-cli releases page
- Update the
symlink to point the new jar version
ln -sf cryptomator-cli-0.5.1.jar packages/cryptomator-cli-latest.jar
- Rebuild the docker image
docker-compose build cryptomator-webdav
To check what environment variables are getting set in the container:
- Run
docker-compose run cryptomator-webdav-env
- Run
docker-compose run --service-ports cryptomator-webdav-dev
- Run
docker-compose run --service-ports cryptomator-webdav-passfile-dev