- advice (Give advice)
- cat (Random picture of a cat)
- gif (Random gif)
- sticker (Random sticker)
- image (Fetch image related to the topic)
- dadjoke (Give a dad joke)
- joke (Give a joke)
- music (Download music from YouTube Music)
- quote (Send a quote of related topic)
- trivia (Trivia quiz game about video games)
- about (retrieve information about a user)
- riddle (Ask a riddle)
- name generator (Generate a name for male or female)
- password generator (Generate a random password with or without numbers or special characters)
export API_NINJA_TOKEN=Your ninja api token here
export DISCORD_TOKEN=Your bot token here
export GUILD_ID=Your server id here
export PEXELS_TOKEN=Your pexels.com token here
export GIPHY_TOKEN=Your giphy.com token here
cargo run