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Update Turbomole reader
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- do not backspace on unit to allow reading from stdin
- support eht group in coord format for reading of charge/uhf info
  • Loading branch information
awvwgk committed Aug 5, 2021
1 parent a2f70b0 commit cf73c2e
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Showing 4 changed files with 126 additions and 14 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion doc/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -136,12 +136,14 @@ The original format does only allow for the ``periodic`` or ``eht`` group to
appear in the ``control`` file, to make the format self-contained, all groups
must appear in the same file.

The ``coord`` group only supports the ``frac`` modifier in Turbomole, but this
reader also allows ``angs`` and ``bohr``.

## Missing Features

The following features are currently not supported:

- Preserving information about frozen atoms from ``coord`` data group
- Reading charge and spin from the ``eht`` data group

@Note Feel free to contribute support for missing features
or bring missing features to our attention by opening an issue.
39 changes: 26 additions & 13 deletions src/mctc/io/read/turbomole.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -49,11 +49,12 @@ subroutine read_coord(mol, unit, error)
integer, parameter :: p_initial_size = 100
integer, parameter :: p_nlv(3) = [1, 4, 9], p_ncp(3) = [1, 3, 6]

logical :: has_coord, has_periodic, has_lattice, has_cell
logical :: has_coord, has_periodic, has_lattice, has_cell, has_eht
logical :: cartesian, coord_in_bohr, lattice_in_bohr, pbc(3)
integer :: stat, iatom, i, j, natoms, periodic, cell_vectors
integer :: stat, iatom, i, j, natoms, periodic, cell_vectors, icharge
integer, allocatable :: unpaired
real(wp) :: latvec(9), conv, cellpar(6), lattice(3, 3)
real(wp), allocatable :: coord(:, :), xyz(:, :)
real(wp), allocatable :: coord(:, :), xyz(:, :), charge
character(len=:), allocatable :: line, cell_string, lattice_string
character(len=symbol_length), allocatable :: sym(:)
type(structure_info) :: info
Expand All @@ -64,6 +65,7 @@ subroutine read_coord(mol, unit, error)
iatom = 0
periodic = 0
cell_vectors = 0
has_eht = .false.
has_coord = .false.
has_periodic = .false.
has_lattice = .false.
Expand All @@ -75,27 +77,38 @@ subroutine read_coord(mol, unit, error)
pbc = .false.

stat = 0
call getline(unit, line, stat)
do while(stat == 0)
call getline(unit, line, stat)
if (index(line, flag) == 1) then
if (index(line, 'end') == 2) then

else if (.not.has_eht .and. index(line, 'eht') == 2) then
has_eht = .true.
i = index(line, 'charge=')
if (i > 0) then
read(line(i+7:), *, iostat=stat) icharge
charge = real(icharge, wp)
end if
j = index(line, 'unpaired=')
if (j > 0) then
read(line(j+9:), *, iostat=stat) unpaired
end if

else if (.not.has_coord .and. index(line, 'coord') == 2) then
has_coord = .true.
! $coord angs / $coord bohr / $coord frac
call select_unit(line, coord_in_bohr, cartesian)
coord_group: do while(stat == 0)
call getline(unit, line, stat)
if (index(line, flag) == 1) then
exit coord_group
end if
if (index(line, flag) == 1) exit coord_group
if (iatom >= size(coord, 2)) call resize(coord)
if (iatom >= size(sym)) call resize(sym)
iatom = iatom + 1
read(line, *, iostat=stat) coord(:, iatom), sym(iatom)
end do coord_group

else if (.not.has_periodic .and. index(line, 'periodic') == 2) then
has_periodic = .true.
Expand All @@ -110,13 +123,11 @@ subroutine read_coord(mol, unit, error)
lattice_string = ''
lattice_group: do while(stat == 0)
call getline(unit, line, stat)
if (index(line, flag) == 1) then
exit lattice_group
end if
if (index(line, flag) == 1) exit lattice_group
cell_vectors = cell_vectors + 1
lattice_string = lattice_string // ' ' // line
end do lattice_group

else if (.not.has_cell .and. index(line, 'cell') == 2) then
has_cell = .true.
Expand All @@ -127,6 +138,7 @@ subroutine read_coord(mol, unit, error)

end if
end if
call getline(unit, line, stat)
end do

if (.not.has_coord .or. iatom == 0) then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -217,7 +229,8 @@ subroutine read_coord(mol, unit, error)
! save data on input format
info = structure_info(cartesian=cartesian, lattice=has_lattice, &
& angs_lattice=.not.lattice_in_bohr, angs_coord=.not.coord_in_bohr)
call new(mol, sym(:natoms), xyz, lattice=lattice, periodic=pbc, info=info)
call new(mol, sym(:natoms), xyz, charge=charge, uhf=unpaired, &
& lattice=lattice, periodic=pbc, info=info)


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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/mctc/io/write/turbomole.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ subroutine write_coord(mol, unit)
do iat = 1, mol%nat
write(unit, '(3es24.14, 6x, a)') mol%xyz(:, iat), trim(mol%sym(mol%id(iat)))
write(unit, '(a, *(1x, a, "=", i0))') &
"$eht", "charge", nint(mol%charge), "unpaired", mol%uhf
write(unit, '(a, 1x, i0)') "$periodic", count(mol%periodic)
if (any(mol%periodic)) then
write(unit, '(a)') "$lattice bohr"
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95 changes: 95 additions & 0 deletions test/test_read_turbomole.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
! limitations under the License.

module test_read_turbomole
use mctc_env, only : wp
use mctc_env_testing, only : new_unittest, unittest_type, error_type, check
use mctc_io_read_turbomole
use mctc_io_structure
Expand All @@ -39,6 +40,8 @@ subroutine collect_read_turbomole(testsuite)
& new_unittest("valid5-coord", test_valid5_coord), &
& new_unittest("valid6-coord", test_valid6_coord), &
& new_unittest("valid7-coord", test_valid7_coord), &
& new_unittest("valid8-coord", test_valid8_coord), &
& new_unittest("valid9-coord", test_valid9_coord), &
& new_unittest("invalid1-coord", test_invalid1_coord, should_fail=.true.), &
& new_unittest("invalid2-coord", test_invalid2_coord, should_fail=.true.), &
& new_unittest("invalid3-coord", test_invalid3_coord, should_fail=.true.), &
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -130,6 +133,7 @@ subroutine test_valid2_coord(error)
" 8.33964228963694 10.16660428027860 3.43902155668011 c", &
" 8.33965118613331 12.33211762632282 5.02051902430387 c", &
"$periodic 1", &
"$eht charge=0 unpaired=0", &
"$cell", &
" 9.29556285275863798006", &
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -162,6 +166,7 @@ subroutine test_valid3_coord(error)
" 0.12856915667443 -0.07403227791901 4.02358027265954 c", &
" -0.12317720857511 2.75170732207802 -2.13345350602279 c", &
" 2.44816466162280 1.28612566399214 4.02317048854901 c", &
"$eht unpaired=0 charge=0", &
"$periodic 2", &
"$cell angs", &
" 2.4809835980 2.4811430162 120.2612191150", &
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -318,6 +323,96 @@ subroutine test_valid7_coord(error)
end subroutine test_valid7_coord

subroutine test_valid8_coord(error)

!> Error handling
type(error_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: error

type(structure_type) :: struc
integer :: unit

open(status='scratch', newunit=unit)
write(unit, '(a)') &
"$coord", &
" -1.79537625851198 -3.77866422935275 -1.07883558363403 h", &
" -2.68278833302782 0.38892666265890 1.66214865238427 s", &
" 0.11484649791305 1.48857933226955 3.65660396510375 b", &
" -1.07998879593946 -0.16259121615748 -4.55703065871422 o", &
" 0.60302832999383 4.08816149622342 -0.02589373148029 mg", &
" -1.22534089315880 -1.79981382478068 -3.70773173318592 h", &
" -1.33460982049866 -4.24819082475503 2.72791902701083 h", &
" -0.16278082578516 2.41267994179303 5.69030695190570 h", &
" 2.87802444057103 -0.33120525058830 1.88311373530297 si", &
" 0.68489327931487 0.32790204044961 -4.20547693710673 h", &
" -1.20919773588330 -2.87253762561437 0.94064204223101 b", &
" -3.25572604597922 2.21241092990940 -2.86715549314771 li", &
" -1.83147468262373 5.20527293771933 -2.26976270603341 f", &
" 4.90885865772880 -1.92576561961811 2.99069919443735 h", &
" 1.26806242248758 -2.60409341782411 0.55162805282247 h", &
" 4.11956976339902 1.59892866766766 -1.39117477789609 s", &
"$eht unpaired=1", &

call read_coord(struc, unit, error)
if (allocated(error)) return

call check(error, struc%nat, 16, "Number of atoms does not match")
if (allocated(error)) return
call check(error, struc%nid, 8, "Number of species does not match")
if (allocated(error)) return
call check(error, struc%uhf, 1, "Number of unpaired electrons does not match")
if (allocated(error)) return

end subroutine test_valid8_coord

subroutine test_valid9_coord(error)

!> Error handling
type(error_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: error

type(structure_type) :: struc
integer :: unit

open(status='scratch', newunit=unit)
write(unit, '(a)') &
"$coord", &
" 4.82824919102333E-02 5.71831000079710E-02 1.73514614763116E-01 C", &
" 4.82824919102333E-02 5.71831000079710E-02 2.78568246476372E+00 N", &
" 2.46093310136750E+00 5.71831000079710E-02 3.59954953387915E+00 C", &
" 3.99138416000780E+00 -2.21116805417472E-01 1.58364683739854E+00 N", &
" 2.54075511539052E+00 -1.18599185608072E-01 -5.86344093538442E-01 C", &
" -2.06104824371096E+00 8.28021114689117E-01 4.40357113204146E+00 C", &
" 6.72173545596011E+00 2.10496546922931E-01 1.72565972456309E+00 C", &
" 3.05878562448454E+00 7.09403031823937E-02 5.55721088395376E+00 H", &
" 3.36822820962351E+00 -2.07680855613880E-01 -2.46191575873710E+00 H", &
" -1.68465267663933E+00 1.48551338123814E-01 -9.21486948343917E-01 H", &
" -3.83682349412373E+00 3.78984491295393E-01 3.43261116458953E+00 H", &
" -1.96215889726624E+00 -2.17412943024358E-01 6.19219651728748E+00 H", &
" -1.85966017471395E+00 2.87036107386343E+00 4.74746341688781E+00 H", &
" 7.49947096948557E+00 -8.77758695396645E-01 3.31081834253025E+00 H", &
" 7.58490546886959E+00 -4.29156708916399E-01 -4.73754235690626E-02 H", &
" 7.00829346274163E+00 2.24769645216395E+00 2.03795579552532E+00 H", &
"$eht charge=1", &

call read_coord(struc, unit, error)
if (allocated(error)) return

call check(error, struc%nat, 16, "Number of atoms does not match")
if (allocated(error)) return
call check(error, struc%nid, 3, "Number of species does not match")
if (allocated(error)) return
call check(error, struc%charge, 1.0_wp, "Total charge does not match")
if (allocated(error)) return

end subroutine test_valid9_coord

subroutine test_invalid1_coord(error)

!> Error handling
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