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LawTech Hackson 2022


  • (Optional) Install pyenv to easily switch Python.
  • Use Python 3.9.2+. Via pyenv: pyenv install 3.9.2.
  • (Optional) pyenv local 3.9.2: Let pyenv to switch 3.9.2 automatically for this project.
  • Install Poetry to manage dependencies.
  • poetry shell: Ask poetry to create a Python virtual environment (venv): Everytime you use command line to run this project, execute this command to switch.
  • poetry install: Install dependencies.


This project uses yapf.

Local Dev

Command line ways :

way 1.

  • poetry run python lawtechhackson/ poetry run uvicorn lawtechhackson.server_main:app --reload

way 2.

  1. poetry shell
  2. python lawtechhackson/ uvicorn lawtechhackson.server_main:app --reload

VSCode way:

  • Make sure that you select Python local poetry interpreter/environment, use cmd+shift+p to select or select on the VSCode UI. Usually the name should include poetry or .venv
  • Open the target file. Then Use VSCode F5 to launch and debug.


Backend: Python API server (use Python 3.9.2 base image)

Please fill mongo_connect_str in .env first, then the built docker image will use it. Or -e mongo_connect_str=value while docker run

docker build -f Dockerfile.backend -t perfect-match-backend .
docker run -p 8000:8000 --name perfect-match-backend  perfect-match-backend 

You can open http://localhost:8000 to check.

Frontend: React + Node.js Dev Server

docker build -f Dockerfile.frontend -t perfect-match-frontend . docker run -p 3000:3000 --name perfect-match-frontend perfect-match-frontend


open http://localhost:3000

Docker: Mount the current folder to live Change + Run


  • docker run -ti -p 3000:3000 -v ${PWD}/lawtechhackson_client:/workspace/lawtechhackson_client --name node:16.13.0-stretch-slim /bin/bash
  • cd workspace/lawtechhackson_client
  • yarn install (first time)
  • yarn start


  1. docker build -f Dockerfile.backend.base -t .
  2. docker run -ti -p 8000:8000 -v ${PWD}:/workspace --name /bin/bash
  3. poetry install
  4. poetry run python lawtechhackson/ (<-somehow it does not work. Only LawyerService init printed, and terminated, no start to init module printed). Use this to start: poetry run uvicorn lawtechhackson.server_main:app --port 8000 --host --timeout-keep-alive 180